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前段日子,首钢迁钢公司组织58名TPM焦点课题负责人逐一汇报成果,各作业区纷纷派出精兵强将登台亮相。而炼钢作业部供应作业区课题《减少S2皮带爬坡段撒料》的汇报人只有一个,并且还是一名外协工,他就是冀星宇。为什么会让冀星宇担任TPM焦点课题的负责人?这事说来话长。冀星宇来到首钢迁钢公司后跟着师傅学习不同岗位的知识,逐步掌握了整条皮带的运行原理。一个偶然机会,他看到作业区负责车辆管理人员的办公室有个文件柜,柜里有很多的书,从此便痴迷其中。通过读书,不断 A few days ago, Shougang Qiangang Iron and Steel Company organized 58 TPM focus topic one by one to report the results, each operating area have sent a strong soldier will debut. The steel operations department supply operations area project “to reduce the S2 belt climbing section” is only one reporting person, and is still a foreign workers, he is Ji Xingyu. Why should Ji Xingyu be the head of the TPM’s focus topic? Ji Xingyu came Shougang Qiangang company followed by the master learn different positions of knowledge, and gradually mastered the entire belt operation principle. By chance, he was obsessed by the fact that he saw a file cabinet in the office of the vehicle manager in the work area and a lot of books in the cupboard. Through reading, constantly
Nonlinear response history analyses and use of strong ground motion data including near-field effects has become a common practice in both performance based des
1995年5月14日,成组技术研究会在北京航空航天大学逸夫馆接待了来京参加CAPE′95′国际会议的以色列技术学院(Technion Isreal Institute of Technology)博士教授吉提翁·哈
The present study is aimed to investigate the ability of different intensity measures(IMs), including response spectral acceleration at the fundamental period o