Morphology and controlling factors of the longitudinal profile of gullies in the Yuanmou dry-hot val

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z957558481
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The morphology of the gully longitudinal profile(GLP) is an important topographic index of the gully bottom associated with the evolution of the gullies.This index can be used to predict the development trend and evaluate the eroded volumes and soil losses by gullying. To depict the morphology of GLP and understand its controlling factors, the Global Positioning System Real-time Kinematic(GPS RTK) and the total station were used to measure the detail points along the gully bottom of 122 gullies at six sites of the Yuanmou dry-hot Valley. Then, nine parameters including length(Lt), horizontal distance(Dh), height(H), vertical erosional area(A), vertical curvature(Cv), concavity(Ca), average gradient(Ga), gully length-gradient index(GL), normalized gully length-gradient index(Ngl), were calculated and mapped using CASS, Excel and SPSS.The results showed that this study area is dominated by slightly concave and medium gradient GLPs, and the lithology of most gullies is sandstone and siltstone.Although different types of GLPs appear at different sites, all parameters present a positively skewed distribution. There are relatively strong correlations between several parameters: namely Lt and H, Dh and H, Lt and A, Dh and A, H and GL. Most GLPs, except three, have a best fit of exponential functions with quasistraight shapes. Soil properties, vegetation coverage,piping erosion and topography are important factors to affect the GLP morphology. This study provides useful insight into the knowledge of GLP morphology and its influential factors that are of critical importance to prevent and control gully erosion. The morphology of the gully longitudinal profile (GLP) is an important topographic index of the gully bottom associated with the evolution of the gullies. This index can be used to predict the development trend and evaluate the eroded volumes and soil losses by gullying. To depict the morphology of GLP and understand its controlling factors, the Global Positioning System Real-time Kinematic (GPS RTK) and the total station were used to measure the detail points along the gully bottom of 122 gullies at six sites of the Yuanmou dry-hot Valley The nine parameters include length (Lt), horizontal distance (Dh), height (H), vertical erosional area (A), vertical curvature (Cv), concavity (Ca), average gradient (Ga), gully length-gradient index (GL), normalized gully length-gradient index (Ngl), were calculated and mapped using CASS, Excel and SPSS. The results showed that this study area is dominated by slightly concave and medium gradient GLPs, and the lithology of most gullies is sandstone and silts tone.Although different types of GLPs appear at different sites, all parameters present a positively skewed distribution. There are relatively strong correlations between several parameters: namely Lt and H, Dh and H, Lt and A, Dh and A, H and GL. Most GLPs, except three, have a best fit of exponential functions with quasistraight shapes. Soil properties, vegetation coverage, piping erosion and topography are important factors to affect the GLP morphology. This study provides useful insight into the knowledge of GLP morphology and its influential factors that are of critical importance to prevent and control gully erosion.
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【内容摘要】建构主义理论下的学习设计,能够让学生的主观能动性得以充分发挥,很好的凸显了学生作为教学主体的地位,真正实现了学习者主动构建知识的特点。本文对此进行分析研究。  【关键词】建构主义 学习设计六要素 高中物理  建构主义理论给教学工作的展开提供了重要的指导思想,让教学工作者的工作方式产生了重大革新。本文将结合实例,具体谈谈建构主义学习设计六要素在高中物理教学中的应用。  一、情境创设与问题
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