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目的了解合肥市庐阳区娱乐场所青年女性流动人群HIV咨询检测服务利用现状,探讨该人群寻求HIV检测服务的影响因素。方法通过横断面调查,采取随机抽样的方法,抽取合肥市庐阳区22家娱乐场所为调查现场,招募符合要求的调查对象。调查内容包括社会人口学特征、艾滋病性病知识、艾滋病咨询检测服务的知晓和利用情况、近一年患性病及生殖道感染状况、流产、近6个月性行为及性伴状况。结果共调查娱乐场所流动女性180人,33.9%的调查对象知道可在正规医院或疾控中心咨询艾滋病,47.2%的调查对象知道在疾控中心免费检测艾滋病;16.1%调查对象报告既往做过HIV咨询,31.7%报告既往做过HIV抗体检测;多因素Logistic分析结果显示,年龄在26~29岁,婚姻状态为已婚或同居,知道可在正规医院或疾控中心咨询艾滋病,近6个月与男朋友有性行为,有较高的艾滋病性病知识会促进其进行HIV抗体检测。结论合肥市庐阳区娱乐场所青年女性流动人群对艾滋病咨询检测服务的知晓和利用情况均有待加强,需要继续加强针对该人群的艾滋病防治知识的宣传教育,扩大艾滋病咨询检测服务的覆盖面。 Objective To understand the utilization status of HIV counseling and testing services for young women in floating places in Luyang district of Hefei and explore the influencing factors of HIV testing service in this group. Methods By means of cross-sectional survey, 22 casinos in Luyang District of Hefei were selected as the survey sites and recruited eligible respondents through random sampling. The survey included the characteristics of socio-demography, AIDS STD knowledge, knowledge and use of AIDS counseling and testing services, the prevalence of STD and genital tract infections, abortion, sexual behavior for the past 6 months and sexual partner status in the recent year. Results A total of 180 female migrants were surveyed in entertainment venues. 33.9% of the respondents knew that AIDS can be consulted in a regular hospital or CDC, 47.2% of the respondents knew free HIV testing at the CDC, 16.1% of the respondents reported HIV Counseling, 31.7% reported HIV antibody testing; multivariate Logistic analysis showed that age 26 to 29 years old, marital status is married or living together, know that in a regular hospital or CDC AIDS, nearly 6 months Having sex with a boyfriend and having a high HIV / AIDS STD will facilitate HIV antibody testing. Conclusion The awareness and utilization of AIDS counseling and testing services for young migrant women in Luyang District entertainment venues need to be strengthened. Publicity and education on HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment needs to be further strengthened and the coverage of AIDS counseling and testing services should be expanded.
在研究了树木极化电容和电阻特性的基础上,从热力学(thermotynamics)状态量—熵(entroPy)的角度,对树木生长的优劣进行了定性解释,它对林业科研和生产具有指导意义。 Based on the
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本文运用数量化理论 I将定性因子定量化后 ,利用通径分析方法对影响华山松大小蠹虫情指数的 1 5个因子进行分析 ,结果表明对虫情指数直接影响作用最大的是绝对湿度 ,间接影响
对华山松林分标准地的定性因子利用数量化理论定量化后 ,以 1 3个变量对 6 2块标准地进行 Macqueen动态聚类分析 ,分为五类。对五个类别采用虫情指数、平均虫口和平均个体群