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最近制订的威尔士西南半岛上的“LandskerBorderlands”(意为风景如画的边塞)农村旅游业计划兼备了历史的、文化的和娱乐的吸引力.这个南彭布鲁克什尔农村社区行动伙伴关系(SPARC)的综合项目是一个更广泛举措的一个组成部分,旨在改善当地人民的经济生活与社会生活,和增强环境.在描述了制订一项计划所涉及的过程以及该旅游产品本身之后,确认了SPARC思路中对长期成功和可持续性至关重要的显著特色.这些特色包括:鼓励所有发展阶段的最大限度社区参与;利用专家“伙伴”向农村社区提供所需要的技术资源与财务资源;针对旅游业、农业和环境的互补战略;和一个明确的战略性规划与实施框架.一个成功项目的这些要素可以加以适配和应用于各种各样地点 The recently developed rural tourism program “LandskerBorderlands” (meaning picturesque frontier) on the southwestern coast of Wales combines historical, cultural and recreational attractions. This integrated project of SPARC in South Pembrokeshee Village is an integral part of a broader initiative aimed at improving the economic and social life of local people and enhancing the environment. Having described the process involved in developing a plan and the tourism product itself, the distinctive features of SPARC thinking that are crucial to long-term success and sustainability are identified. These include: encouraging maximum community participation at all stages of development; using the “partners” of experts to provide rural communities with the technical and financial resources they need; complementary strategies for tourism, agriculture and the environment; and a clear strategic plan With the implementation framework. These elements of a successful project can be adapted and applied to a wide variety of locations
三月的哈尔滨 ,春回大地。黑龙江省第三届公共图书馆馆长联席会议暨学会秘书长、辅导部主任工作会议于 3月 4日至 5日如期召开。会议的主题是研究图书馆如何在边疆文化大省的
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20 0 3年 2月 2 2日 ,我院学报副主编张振元副教授收到中国人民大学书报资料中心寄来的《作品转载通知》 ,通知说 :“张振元同志 :您发表在《河南职业技术师范学院学报》2 0
《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》Vol.8 No.1A,2003摘要选登 “Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences” Vol.8 No.1A, 2003 Abstract Selected