
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyanchendan
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所谓“注射法”防治害虫,就是在树木主干上钻洞注入农药,防治害虫的一种方法。该方法易操作、成本低、效果好、不易造成环境污染、不伤害天敌和牲畜。通常适用于树龄较大的乔木树种。一、农药选择选择内吸性强,易被树体吸收,并在树体内迅速传导而起到杀虫作用的农药。对一年中发生世代多的害虫,选用残效期长的农药,对一年中发生世代少的害虫,宜选用残效期短的农药。二、注射时间根据虫害发生的规律,实施注射防治。一般来说,从春季树木树液开始流动到冬季树木休眠期前均可。这个时期,树木生长旺盛,所注射的药剂易被吸收和传导。同时,害虫发生高峰期都在这个时期,杀虫效果良好。三、注射部位只要在树干上钻几个洞注入农药,用旧报纸或塑料布条包好即可。打洞部位在树干 The so-called “injection ” pest control, is drilled holes in the trunk of the tree into the pesticides, a method of pest control. The method is easy to operate, has low cost and good effect, is not easy to cause environmental pollution, does not harm natural enemies and livestock. Usually suitable for older tree species. First, the choice of pesticides strong absorption, easily absorbed by the tree, and quickly transmitted in the tree to play a pesticide insecticidal effect. For many generations of pests in a year, the selection of long-term residual pesticides, generation less pests in a year, should use short-lived pesticides. Second, the injection time According to the law of occurrence of pests, the implementation of injection prevention and control. In general, the flow of trees from the beginning of the spring tree until the winter dormancy trees can be. During this period, trees grow vigorously and the injected medicine is easily absorbed and transmitted. At the same time, pests occur at the peak of this period, insecticidal effect is good. Third, the injection site as long as a few holes in the trunk drilled into the pesticide, with old newspapers or plastic cloth can be wrapped. Hole in the trunk
前言 SC盆地的油气田,无论是陆相碎屑岩,还是海相碳酸盐岩,多数是构造控制的油气藏,孔洞是主要的储集空间,裂缝是主要的渗透通道。钻探高产气井,光凭构造不行,还要掌握储层
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