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地方政府对其举借的债务负有偿还责任,中央政府实行不救助原则。而且,新规明确提出把政府性债务作为一个硬指标纳入政绩考核缺钱,一直是各级地方政府最头痛的问题之一。以往,解决办法是通过各种融资平台举债,并且债务规模往往超出自己的偿还能力。但是,今后如果还这么干,政府主要领导人的乌纱帽将会受到影响——根据国务院10月8日下发的《国务院关于深化预算管理制度改革的决定》(以下简称《决定》),政府性债务将被作为一个硬指标纳入政 Local governments have the responsibility to repay debts borrowed by them and the central government has not implemented the principle of salvage. Moreover, the new regulation clearly states that putting government debt as a hard index into the performance appraisal for lack of money has always been one of the most troublesome problems for local governments at all levels. In the past, the solution was to borrow money through various financing platforms, and the size of the debt often exceeded its solvency. However, in the future, if this is done, the main leaders of the government will be affected. According to the “Decision of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Budget Management System” issued by the State Council on October 8 (hereinafter referred to as the “Decision”), the government Debts will be included as a hard index into politics
1987年10月,绥中县前卫镇冯家村村民,在其村南的山坡上修筑公路时,发现一处窖藏青铜器。 一、地理位置及出土情况 冯家村位于绥中县城西南29公里处,东距石河2公里,西北紧靠
目的:分析影响门诊药房退药影响因素的灰关联系数,提高医疗质量和用药安全。方法:通过清华同方知网(CH- KD)期刊全文数据库,查阅2000~2007年有关门诊药房退药的文献并进行统计
Medicinal almonds have been used for over 2 000 years and its clinical efficacy includes relieving cough and asthma. The domestic market in China is flooded wit
The agricultural and land policies in China are always focused on protecting its food supply and security because of the country’s large population and improve