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我不知道为什么现在北京很难见到楸树。这是一种容易栽培,而且可以笔直地生长到20米高,顶部形成一柄大绿伞的树木,无论作为庭院树还是行道树,它都非常适宜。我还听说这种木材特别耐湿,雨淋水泡都不会变形。但我对楸树形成特别深刻的印象,则是上小学时。有一回跟妈妈、姐姐走到隆福寺的一棵大楸树下,我抬头一望,高兴地叫了起来:“哈!多大的牵牛花啊!”已 I don’t know why Beijing is hardly seeing eucalyptus now. This is a kind of tree that is easy to cultivate and can grow upright to 20 meters high and has a big green umbrella at the top. It is very suitable as a garden tree or a street tree. I also heard that this kind of wood is particularly resistant to moisture, and rain and blisters will not be deformed. However, I was especially impressed by the fact that it was when I was in primary school. One time with my mother and sister, we walked under a big banyan tree at Longfu Temple. I looked up and looked up with pleasure: “Ha! How big morning glory!”
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