全面实施“县域突破”战略 促进县域经济快速发展

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今年是省委、省政府提出实施“县域突破”战略的第二年,也是县域经济突破关键性的一年。通化市委、市政府认真贯彻落实省委七届三次全会精神,把实施县域经济突破战略作为今年全市的重点工作来抓,以扩大总量、优化结构、提高效益为中心,以壮大支柱产业、发展特色经济为重点,集中发展县域工业,围绕市场发展效益农业,加快小城镇建设步伐,大力发展非公有制经济,努力推进县域经济向城镇化、工业化、产业化和城乡一体化方向发展,实现县域经济整体升位。一、集中力量发展县域骨干工业工业是我市财政收入的主要来源。发展县域经济必须把县域工业放在首位,按照扩大总量、优化结构、提高效益的思路,加大改革和转制力度,大力推进技术创新,实现县域工业的突破。 This year is the second year that the provincial party committee and the provincial government put forward the “county breakthrough” strategy and is also a crucial year for the county’s economic breakthrough. Tonghua municipal government to conscientiously implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Seventh Provincial Committee, the implementation of the county economic breakthrough strategy as the focus of the city this year to grasp, to expand the total, optimize the structure, improve efficiency as the center, to expand the pillar industries, development Focus on the development of county economy, focus on the development of county economy, speed up the pace of construction of small cities and towns, vigorously develop the non-public economy, and strive to promote the county economy to urbanization, industrialization, industrialization and urban-rural integration direction to achieve the county economy Overall lift. First, concentrate on the development of the county backbone industrial industry is the main source of financial revenue in our city. In order to develop the county economy, county industry must be given top priority. In accordance with the idea of ​​expanding the total amount, optimizing the structure and improving the efficiency, the reform and restructuring efforts should be stepped up. Technological innovation should be vigorously promoted to achieve a breakthrough in county industry.
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