落实错案责任制 加强工作责任心

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作为房地产权属、市场管理部门,其对社会、群众的重要意义、重大责任,已 无需赘言;随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展、加入WTO的日益临近,政府部门高质量 、高效率的管理、服务,更是势在必行。因此,如何进一步地提高管理水平,保障有关当事 人的合法权益、促进房地产业乃至整个国民经济、国家改革、开放的发展,已成为我们房地 产权属、市场管理部门的重要课题。因此,我们认为:重庆市房地产交易所实行的“错案责 任制”具有十分积极和重要的意义。这一制度的实施,对于强化工作人员的责任心,使之更 加认真、严谨地投入工作,从而充分有效地行使好人民所赋予我们的职能,发挥好我们的作 用,具有相当重要的作用。为此,我们特刊发此文,供大家学习、参考、交流。 As the ownership of real estate, the market management department, its importance to the community and the masses, a major responsibility, no need to elaborate; with the continuous development of China’s socialist market economy, accession to the WTO is approaching, the government departments of high quality and efficiency Management, service, it is imperative. Therefore, how to further improve the management level, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved, and promote the development of the real estate industry and the entire national economy as well as the reform and opening up of the country has become an important issue for our real estate ownership and market management departments. Therefore, in our opinion, the “wrong-case liability system” practiced by Chongqing Real Estate Exchange has a very positive and important meaning. The implementation of this system plays a very important role in strengthening the sense of responsibility of the staff members so that they can work more earnestly and strictly so that they can fully and effectively exercise the functions entrusted to them by the people and give play to our role. To this end, we specially issue this article for everyone to learn, reference, exchange.
他以拍战争题材而著称,但却是一个坚定的反战斗士他经常被人误叫为冯小刚,但却拥有自己独特的风格他是中国电影导演界惟一所有作品都是自己原创编剧的导演 He is famous for
张闻天同志文革遭难时,在台历上写下了一句座右铭:“应该在肩膀上长着自己的脑袋!”不知这是他个人的自律,还是他看到全社会的狂热有感而发,反正这句话至今颇令人玩味。 其实
“失踪”三年的于慧回来了。 三年前,于慧以《喜莲》一片荣获金鸡奖华表奖最佳女主角奖及中国电影学会奖,进入了一个女演员事业的巅峰时刻,可她却从鲜花和闪光灯的聚焦之中