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和平建设时期,地震、洪水、台风等人力不可抗拒的自然灾害,对人类文明成果的破坏力往往会超过一场局部战争,即使是科学技术高度发达的今天,我们仍无法有效地预防和控制自然灾害的发生。 面对突如其来的灾难,能不能在最短的时间内启动拯救机制,进而将灾害造成的损失减少到最低限度,则是对一个国家、一个地区、一级组织调控能力的最有效的检验。--摘自采访手记。 During the period of peace and construction, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and typhoons, which are irresistible forces of human resources, often destroy more than one part-time war on the achievements of human civilization. Even today, with a highly developed science and technology, we can not effectively prevent and control natural disasters Disaster happening. In the face of a sudden disaster, the rescue mechanism can be activated in the shortest time and the losses caused by the disasters are reduced to the minimum, which is the most effective test of the regulatory power of a country, a region and an organization. - From interview notes.
【摘要】目前,创客教育开始风靡全国高校,创客教育是以学生兴趣为依托、以创新创意为目标、以多信息传感融合为技术背景的新型教育模式。如何将传感器原理通俗易懂的讲解给学生并引导学生进行传感器应用是创客基础教育需要解决的关键问题。  【关键词】创客教育 红外发射 传感器  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)17-0254-01  目前创客教育产品设计中有的会采
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