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目的孕期尽早进行HIV检测是艾滋病母婴阻断的重要前提;了解基层助产机构HIV检测服务现状及影响因素,为提高基层HIV检测服务能力提供依据。方法以广东省内所有县级及乡级有助产服务的机构作为调查地点,采用定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法收集资料。定性资料分析采用分类和主题归纳法,定量资料用EpiData数据库整理,用SPSS统计软件分析处理。结果调查地区孕期HIV的检测率为65%。经济条件较好的珠江三角地区孕期HIV检测率较高,经济欠发达的山区和粤东地区孕期HIV检测率较低。影响基层助产机构开展孕期HIV检测服务的因素包括人力资源、资金、HIV检测能力及项目管理的复杂程度和要求高低。结论基层助产机构的服务资源及服务管理能力是影响孕期HIV检测的重要因素,因此提高孕期HIV检测率,需关注基层助产机构的服务资源和能力,更合理有效的利用资源并提高管理能力。 Objective As early as possible during pregnancy, HIV testing is an important prerequisite for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV infection. To understand the status quo and influencing factors of HIV testing services in primary midwifery and to provide basis for improving HIV testing services at grassroots level. Methods The institutions with midwifery and midwifery services in Guangdong province were selected as the survey sites. The methods of qualitative research and quantitative research were used to collect data. Qualitative data analysis using classification and subject induction method, quantitative data using EpiData database, SPSS statistical software analysis and processing. Results The detection rate of HIV during pregnancy in the survey area was 65%. The detection rate of HIV during pregnancy in the Pearl River Delta with better economic conditions is higher, and the detection rate of HIV during pregnancy is lower in mountainous areas with less developed economy and areas in eastern Guangdong. Factors that affect the midwifery midwifery’s HIV testing services during pregnancy include human resources, capital, HIV testing capabilities and the complexity and requirements of project management. Conclusion The service resources and service management ability of primary midwifery is an important factor affecting HIV testing during pregnancy. Therefore, to improve HIV detection rate in pregnancy, we should pay attention to service resources and abilities of primary midwifery, make more rational and effective use of resources and improve management ability .
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