
来源 :山西果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoyu_hit
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深州早蜜是在1977年开展群众性芽变选种过程中选育出来的优良变异单株。经过几年的初选、复选、高接、繁殖苗木、观察母株和后代的变异情况,其遗传性状稳定。最近通过省级技术鉴定。专家教授一致认为深州早蜜具有深州蜜桃的遗传因素,果形美观,色泽艳丽,味甜芳香,产量高而稳定,丰产性能好。因成熟期比深州蜜桃早,故命名为“深州早蜜”。建议推广和扩大试栽。 Early morning honey Shenzhou is in 1977 to carry out mass bud mutation selection breeding out of the excellent mutant single plant. After several years of primaries, check, high access, breeding seedlings, observe the variation of the mother plant and offspring, the genetic character of stable. Recently passed the provincial technical appraisal. Experts and professors agree that Shenzhou early honey has Shenzhou Peach genetic factors, beautiful fruit, bright color, sweet and fragrant, high yield and stability, high yield performance. Due to the mature peach earlier than Shenzhou, so named “Shenzhou early honey.” Proposed to promote and expand trial planting.
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