On monolithic stability and reinforcement analysis of high arch dams

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gunnie0095
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Monolithic stability safety and reinforcement based on monolithic stability are very important for arch dam design. In this paper, the issue is addressed based on deformation reinforcement theory. In this approach, plastic complementary energy norm can be taken as safety index for monolithic stability. According to deformation reinforcement theory, the areas where unbalanced force exists require reinforcement, and the required reinforcement forces are just the unbalanced forces with opposite direction. Results show that areas with unbalanced force mainly concentrate in dam-toes, dam-heels and faults. Monolithic stability safety and reinforcement based on monolithic stability are very important for arch dam design. In this paper, the issue is addressed based on deformation reinforcement theory. In this approach, plastic issue energy based on norm can be taken as safety index for monolithic stability. To deformation reinforcement theory, the areas where unbalanced force exists require dampening, and the required reinforcement forces exist require dampening, and damn heals and faults.
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