The first joint experimental results between SURA and CSES

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In June 2018, for the first time, the SURA heating facility in Russia , together with the in-orbit China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES), carried out a series of experiments in emitting high frequency (HF) O-mode radio waves to disturb the ionosphere. This paper reports data from those experiments, collected onboard CSES, including electric field, in-situ plasma parameters, and energetic particle flux. Five cases are analyzed, two cases in local daytime and three in local nighttime. We find that the pumping wave frequencies f0 in local daytime were close to the critical frequency of the F2 layer foF2, but no pumping waves were detected by the electric field detector (EFD) on CSES even when the emitted power reached 90 MW, and no obvious plasma disturbances were observed from CSES in those two daytime cases. But on June 16, there existed a spread F phenomena when f0 was lower than foF2 at that local daytime period. During the three cases in local nighttime, the pumping waves were clearly distinguished in the HF-band electric field at the emitted frequency with the emitted power only 30 MW; the power spectrum density of the electric field was larger by an order of magnitude than the normal background, with the propagating radius exceeding 200 km. Due to the small foF2 over SURA in June at that local nighttime period,f0 in these three cases were significantly higher than foF2, all belonging to under-dense heating conditions. As for the plasma parameters, only an increase of about 100 K in ion temperature was observed on June 12; in the other two cases (with one orbit without plasma data on June 17), no obvious plasma disturbances were found. This first joint SURA-CSES experiment illustrates that the present orbit of CSES can cross quite close to the SURA facility, which can insure an effective heating time from SURA so that CSES can observe the perturbations at the topside ionosphere excited by SURA in the near region. The detection of plasma disturbances on June 12 with under-dense heating mode in local nighttime provides evidence for likely success of future related experiments between CSES and SURA, or with other HF facilities.
By studying the ηc exclusive decay to double glueballs,we introduce a model to phenomenologically mimic the gluon-pair-vacuum interaction vertices,namely the 0
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摘要:现代社会生活中,声音是人类交流的主要手段,拥有甜美的嗓音能给学生带来更大的自信。通过正确的歌唱训练,可以使学生掌握准确演唱歌曲的方法,同时具有较强的乐感和表演能力。身为音乐教师应该如何利用科学有效的训练方法,使学生的声音更加甜美,并充分挖掘展现滋生的音乐天赋?  关键字:演唱;兴趣;乐感;表演;训练  G623.71  现代社会生活中,声音是人类交流的主要手段,拥有甜美的嗓音能给学生带来更大
摘要:有人说化学有大美大智慧,也有人说教育德为先。随着新课程改革的推动,三维目标中明确规定了应该在课堂教学中达成“情感态度价值观”的这一目标。然而,初中阶段是青少年从幼稚到成熟急剧变化和发展的过渡时期,此间他们模仿力强,可塑性大,有着奋发向上的进取精神,容易接受教育影響,适时的德育教育对他们的一生起着定向和奠基的决定性作用。  G633.8  在化学教学中,教师不失时机的渗透德育教育,不仅使学生学
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摘要:近年来,多媒体教学已经在课堂上得到了广泛的应用,其实主要特点是改变了以往的教学模式。多媒体的出现则大大更新了这一传统教学模式,尽可能的让学生的听觉,视觉,乃至感觉全部调动起来,不再拘泥于听、读的形式,而这种现代化多媒体教学模式则更好的体现在音乐课上, 从 而加强了教学的直观性、生动性,优化了音乐课堂教学。  关键词:多媒体;音乐;教学;直观  G434  音乐是声音的艺术、美的展现,音乐课堂
摘要:节奏训练是实现初中音乐教学的审美和愉悦身心功能的重要途径。将有效的节奏训练方法更好的带入到初中音乐课堂教学,不仅可以使学生主动参与音乐节奏训练活动,而且可以有效的提高学生的反应能力和音乐辨别力。本文在阐述初中音乐课堂节奏训练特点及存在问题的基础上,重点分析初中音乐课堂节奏训练应坚持的基本原则和主要训练策略。  关键词:初中音乐;课堂教学;节奏训练  G633.951  一、初中音乐课节奏训练
摘要:近年来,伴随新课改的提出学校已经开始重视学生能力的锻炼。尤其在音乐教学方面,教师更是采取多元化的教学方式,培养学生良好的个性,促进学生健康发展。文章先分析个性培养学生的意义,进而提出现今音乐基础教育中存在的问题,最后提出有效策略,将音乐教学与个性培养合理结合。  关键词:音乐基础教育;个性培养;教学探讨  J60-4  科技的进步带动社会的发展,学生只有具备较高的知识水平,才能成为国家的栋梁