
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q80602655
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“六山六水”调查,即贵州少数民族社会调查。“六山六水”包括乌蒙山、云雾山、雷公山、月亮山,大小麻山、武陵山、乌江、都柳江、清水江、南盘江,(氵舞)阳河,“六山六水”区域面积广大,约占全省总面积的百分之八十以上,是民族研究工作者对贵州省少数民族居住区域的一个带学术性的地理概念。贵州是一个多民族的省份,少数民族人口占全省总人口的34.69%,其中百分之九十以上的少数民族居住在“六山六水”区域中。作为经济文化都较落后的省份,要摆脱贫困,改变全省落后的经济状况,走上小康之路。首先就得充分认识贵州省情。认识贵州省情,就得先对贵州少数民族的历史及现状进行了解。因此,对“六山六水”区域进行综合调查,掌握翔实可靠的第一手材料,通过分析研究,提出可行性报告,供领导及有关部门决策提供参考。对于发展提高民族地区经济,使民族地区走上脱贫致富之路尤具有重要意义。 “Six Mountains and Six Rivers” survey, Guizhou Ethnic Investigation. “Six Mountains and Six Rivers” include Wumeng Mountain, Yunwu Mountain, Leigong Mountain, Moon Hill, Mazu Mountain, Wuling Mountain, Wujiang River, Duliu River, Qingshui River, Nanpanjiang River and Yangpu River “The area is large in area, accounting for more than 80% of the total area of ​​the province, and is an academic geography concept by ethnic research workers inhabiting ethnic minority areas in Guizhou Province. Guizhou is a multi-ethnic province with a minority population accounting for 34.69% of the province’s total population, of which over 90% of ethnic minorities live in the ”Six Mountains and Six Rivers“ area. As a relatively backward economy and culture in the provinces, we must get rid of poverty, change the backwardness of the province’s economic situation and embark on a path of well-being. First of all, you must fully understand Guizhou Province. To know Guizhou’s affection, you must first understand the history and current situation of Guizhou’s ethnic minorities. Therefore, the ”Six Mountains and Six Rivers" area of ​​a comprehensive survey to grasp the first-hand reliable and reliable materials, through the analysis and research, put forward a feasibility report for the leadership and relevant departments for decision-making to provide a reference. It is of great significance to the development and improvement of the economy in the ethnic areas and to the ethnic areas to embark on the path of getting rid of poverty and getting rich.
2004摩纳哥V4概念手表——首个传动带驱动手表2006摩纳哥360LS——首个采用线形秒针运转的第二代自动计时码表2008MERIDIIST——豪雅第一款高端手机豪雅的目的很简单 2004 M
本文介绍在工程物探钻孔测井时,使用一种孔内探头贴壁装置,收到了很好的测试效果。 This article describes the geophysical drilling logging, the use of a hole probe adh