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近几年来,社会保险事业有了很大发展,对保障广大离退休职工生活,减轻企业负担,促进社会稳定。发展社会主义市场经济发挥了重要作用。社会保险制度改革遇到了许多障碍。一是部分企业实行了行业统筹,割裂了社会养老保险体系;二是某些地区和企业主张脱离劳动部门。自选保险形式,我们认为这些做法和想法与党的十四届三中全会决定精神是不相符的。主要理由如下: 第一,社会保险是劳动领域改革的重要组成部分。党的十四届三中全会《决定》第16条中明确指出。政府管理经济的职能之一是组织社会保障,这就是说社会保障是政府行为,是政府的工 In recent years, great progress has been made in the social insurance undertaking to safeguard the lives of retired workers and the general public, reduce the burden on enterprises and promote social stability. The development of the socialist market economy has played an important role. Social security system reform has encountered many obstacles. First, some enterprises implemented industry co-ordination and cut off the social pension insurance system. Second, some regions and enterprises advocated separating themselves from the labor sector. In the form of self-selection insurance, we think these practices and ideas are inconsistent with the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Party Committee. The main reasons are as follows: First, social insurance is an important part of labor reform. Article 16 of the “Decision” of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of CPC explicitly states. One of the functions of the government in managing the economy is to organize social security, which means that social security is a government act and a government worker
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冬天气温低,市民吃水果的兴趣也悄然下降。有人灵机一动:既然怕水果冷,不如煮熟了吃或入菜、做甜品?现在蔬菜价格这么贵,水果却出乎意料地便宜,恰恰可以填补维生素摄入的不足。这种想法固然很积极,但专家认为,水果还是生吃最有营养。     煮熟的水果不如生的好    冬天吃水果和夏天的感觉可不一样。一个冰冷,一个清凉,两相比较,难怪冬天气候再干燥,水果也卖不了多少。但是,广东人特别爱吃水果,素来有“饭前茶