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由中国社科院亚太所、福建社科院亚太所和江苏社科院世经所联合举办的亚洲“四小”和东盟国家经济调整及前景研讨会,于1990年9月19—22日在福州举行,来自全国各地的40多人参加了会议。现将研讨会的一些观点综述如下。一、亚太经济的宏观环境针对这一问题,与会同志取得了较一致的看法。1、苏东变化的影响。大家认为,由于华沙条约名存实亡,“经互会”已趋于解体,东欧向西方靠拢,东西方的缓和趋势将进一步发展。在此条件下,估计九十年代的亚太地区将进入相对和平的发展时期。目前,军备竞赛已让位于经济竞争,综合国力日益突出。美国的主要威胁已不是苏联,主要是日本的经济威胁。总之,东西方缓和化,打破了战后的“冷战”体制,促成美国和平“红利”增加,使之增加了对外经济合作的可能性。与此同时,苏东国家的开放政策及对亚太地区关注程度的提高,使国际资本流向发生了变化。亚太一些国家和地区要发展外向型经济,将遇到苏东国家吸收外资的强力挑战。 The symposium on economic adjustment and prospects of Asia in the “four small” and ASEAN countries jointly organized by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Asia-Pacific Institute of Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, and the Institute of Sociology, Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences was held on September 19-22, 1990 at Fuzhou, more than 40 people from all over the country attended the meeting. Some of the seminar’s points are summarized below. I. The Macro-Environment of the Asia-Pacific Economy In response to this issue, comrades at the conference have reached a more consistent view. 1, the impact of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Everyone believes that due to the pretext of the Warsaw Pact, the “Economic and Trade Commission” has tended to disintegrate, and the easterlies between East and West will further develop as Eastern Europe moves closer to the West. Under these conditions, it is estimated that the Asia-Pacific region in the 1990s will enter a relatively peaceful period of development. At present, the arms race has given way to economic competition and its overall national strength has become increasingly prominent. The main threat to the United States is no longer the Soviet Union, mainly the economic threat from Japan. In short, the easing of the East and the West has broken the “Cold War” system after the war and contributed to the increase of the peace dividend in the United States, thus increasing the possibility of foreign economic cooperation. At the same time, the opening-up policy of the Soviet Union and the East and the improvement of the level of attention to the Asia-Pacific region have changed the flow of international capital. In some countries and regions in the Asia-Pacific region, if they want to develop an outward-oriented economy, they will encounter the powerful challenge of attracting foreign investment by the Soviet Union and the East countries.
锡铁山铅锌矿床的成矿温度过去很多人认为是在中低温条件下形成的。笔者通过野外观察及方铅矿、闪锌矿的矿物学研究,认为成矿温度应属中高温,具体理由如下: (一)方铝矿、闪
本文采用回归分析方法,选用合适的回归方程,不用调整分光光度计的光学系统部件,达到校正波长的目的。 In this paper, regression analysis method, the selection of the a