0115 甲氰咪胍的药物相互作用

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甲氰咪胍是一种肝酶抑制剂,可抑制利眠宁、茶碱、苯妥英、华法令、奎尼丁、洋地黄毒甙、咖啡碱、痛惊宁、β-受体阻断剂心得安、美多心安等药物的肝代谢,当甲氰咪胍与上述这些药物同用时,应监测其血药浓度,减少用量。另外,与茶碱、华法令并用时,应检查血象与凝血时间。有些对酸不稳定的药物,或其吸收量由离子化决定时,其生物利用度可受甲氰咪胍的影响。服甲氰咪胍时,由于胃酸分泌减少,可降低铁剂的吸收量;但可使阿司匹林吸收量增多,需监测血药浓度或减少用量。胃复安可减少甲氰咪胍的生物利用度,用量宜酌增。苯巴比妥是酶促剂,可促进甲氰咪胍的代谢,用量亦酌增。抗酸剂可降低甲氰咪胍的生物利用度,故宜先将甲氰咪胍与食物同服,一小时后再服抗酸剂。甲氰咪胍与β-受体阻断剂同用时,还可减少肝 Cimetidine is a hepatic enzyme inhibitor that inhibits propranolol, theophylline, phenytoin, warfarin, quinidine, digoxigenin, caffeine, painful nausea, beta-blocker propranolol , The United States and more peace of mind and other drugs of liver metabolism, when cimetidine with these drugs with the above, should monitor its plasma concentration and reduce dosage. In addition, and theophylline, warfarin and use, you should check the blood and clotting time. Some acid-labile drugs, or their absorption by the ionization of the decision, its bioavailability by cimetidine influence. When taking cimetidine, the absorption of iron can be reduced due to the decrease of gastric acid secretion; however, the absorption of aspirin can be increased, and the blood concentration or the dosage should be monitored. Metoclopramide can reduce the bioavailability of cimetidine, dosage should be discretionary. Phenobarbital is an enzymatic agent, can promote the metabolism of cimetidine, dosage is also increased. Antacids can reduce the bioavailability of cimetidine, it should be the first with cimetidine food with the same service, an hour before taking antacids. Cimetidine and beta-blocker with the same time, but also reduce the liver
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological conditions and characteristics of inpatients with traffic trauma in order to provide objective data for basic research
p5 3是重要的细胞周期调控基因之一 ,在参与维持细胞周期的正常运行中起着重要作用。p5 3基因通过诱导细胞发生 G1 期阻滞修复损伤 DNA和诱导细胞凋亡来抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖。
本文采用转篮法对国产眠尔通片的体外溶出速率进行了测试,其结果都可在8.5分钟达到标示量的60%。另外对眠尔通的比色测定条件也进行了研究。 In this paper, the method of