
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heermeisi
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园艺疗法顾名思义是跟园艺植物有关的疗养方法,其起源可追溯到古埃及时期,目前园艺疗法在英国、美国、日本等国家正逐步发展完善,已出现被认可的专业机构。我国台湾及港澳地区相关研究及活动也已相继展开,并在诊治残障人士和灾后心理援助等方面取得初步成效。大陆地区也逐步认识到园艺疗法的强大效能,以清华大学景观学系李树华教授为代表的相关研究和推进工作已崭露头角,园艺治疗师培训活动开始启动。 Horticultural therapy, as its name implies, is a method of recuperation related to horticultural plants. Its origins can be traced back to the period of ancient Egypt. At present, horticultural therapy is gradually developed and perfected in countries such as Britain, the United States and Japan, and recognized professional institutions have emerged. Research and activities related to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Maucao in our country have also been carried out one after another. Initial results have been achieved in the diagnosis and treatment of people with disabilities and post-disaster psychological assistance. Mainland China has also gradually realized the powerful effect of horticultural therapy. Relevant research and promotion represented by Professor Li Shuhua from Department of Landscape Architecture, Tsinghua University have come to prominence, and the training activities for horticultural therapists have started.
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