Quantitative analysis modeling for the ChemCam spectral data based on laser-induced breakdown spectr

来源 :等离子体科学和技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:venly
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Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been applied to many fields for the quantitative analysis of diverse materials.Improving the prediction accuracy of LIBS regression models is still of great significance for the Mars exploration in the near future.In this study,we explored the quantitative analysis of LIBS for the one-dimensional ChemCam (an instrument containing a LIBS spectrometer and a Remote Micro-Imager) spectral data whose spectra are produced by the ChemCam team using LIBS under the Mars-like atmospheric conditions.We constructed a convolutional neural network (CNN) regression model with unified parameters for all oxides,which is efficient and concise.CNN that has the excellent capability of feature extraction can effectively overcome the chemical matrix effects that impede the prediction accuracy of regression models.Firstly,we explored the effects of four activation functions on the performance of the CNN model.The results show that the CNN model with the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function outperforms the CNN models with the other activation functions (the rectified linear unit function,the linear function and the Sigmoid function).Secondly,we compared the performance among the CNN models using different optimization methods.The CNN model with the stochastic gradient descent optimization and the initial learning rate =0.0005 achieves satisfactory performance compared to the other CNN models.Finally,we compared the performance of the CNN model,the model based on support vector regression (SVR) and the model based on partial least square regression (PLSR).The results exhibit the CNN model is superior to the SVR model and the PLSR model for all oxides.Based on the above analysis,we conclude the CNN regression model can effectively improve the prediction accuracy of LIBS.
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简介:徐荣宽,扬州高等职业技术学校校长,高级讲师。江苏省首批职业教育领军人才校长班成员。  摘要:随着高职教育内涵、功能的拓宽与规模的发展,高职院校管理日趋复杂化,一个创新和具有活力的管理机制是学校保持生机的源泉。许多高职院校开始实行院、系二级管理体制,文章就高职院校二级管理价值及其实现策略进行了探讨。  关键词:高职院校;二级管理;价值;策略    随着高职教育内涵、功能的拓宽与规模的发展,高职