科技兴站 再创辉煌——深圳市卫生防疫站

来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyuxxxx
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深圳市卫生防疫站是于1979年在原宝安县卫生防疫站的基础上组建的。在各级政府的重视和关怀下,不断发展壮大,尤其是1993年以来,在实验室建设、人才引进、科学管理等方面得到迅速发展。目前,全站仪器设备的固定资产总值超过2800万元,近万平方米工作用房,下设24个业务、行政职能科室,230名工作人员,其中各类专业技术人员193人,占83.91%;具有高级职称的有41人 占专业技术人员的21.24%;中级职称96人,占专业技术人员的49.74%。拥有国内一流水平的放射卫生、卫生清理、分子生物学、艾滋病确认、消杀鉴定等实验室和中心检验室。计算机网络建设及管理水平,经专家评审,达到国内领先水平,档案管理,经国家档案局专家呼审,通过档案管理国家一级验收,成为深圳市第一家获得此项殊荣的单位。1996年被评为“国家计划单列市一等卫生防疫站”。深圳市卫生防疫站是中山医科大学教学卫生防疫站。 The Shenzhen Health and Anti-epidemic Station was established in 1979 on the basis of the original Baoan County Sanitary and Epidemic Prevention Station. With the attention and care of all levels of government, it has continued to grow and develop. Especially since 1993, it has developed rapidly in laboratory construction, talent introduction, and scientific management. At present, the total value of the fixed assets of the total station equipment is more than 28 million yuan, nearly 10,000 square meters of working space, 24 business and administrative departments, 230 staff, including 193 professional technicians, accounting for 83.91 %; 41 people with senior professional titles account for 21.24% of professional and technical personnel; 96 with mid-level professional titles, accounting for 49.74% of professional and technical personnel. It has domestic first-class laboratory and central laboratory for radiological health, hygiene cleanup, molecular biology, AIDS confirmation, disinfection and identification. The computer network construction and management level was reviewed by experts and reached the leading level in the country. The archives management was reviewed by experts from the National Archives Bureau and passed the first-level acceptance of the archives management, becoming the first company in Shenzhen to receive this honor. In 1996, it was named “National Planned First-class Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station”. The Shenzhen Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station is the teaching and epidemic prevention station of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences.
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