
来源 :中国拍卖 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kf3567
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2006年拍卖行业职业教育的指导思想是:贯彻全国职业教育工作会议和中国拍卖行业协会第三次会员大会精神,逐步构建拍卖行业的职业教育体系。第一、对已建立的不同层次的短期培训,继续采取“稳定、调整、完善、提高”的方针。即:稳定已建立的拍卖从业人员培训体系;对拍卖师资格考试考前培训和考试进行调整;改变拍卖师继续教育办法和方式,充实授课内容;提高高级经营管理人员培训的层次与水平。第二、在此基础上,从组织教材编写工作入手,支持院校的拍卖专业,并为开办不同类型的专业培训做准备工作。经全国职业教育工作会议讨论通过,现将2006年拍卖业职业教育工作安排部署如下: The guiding ideology of the 2006 vocational education in the auction industry is to implement the national vocational education conference and the spirit of the third annual general meeting of the Chinese auction industry association and gradually establish a vocational education system in the auction industry. First, continue to adopt the principle of “stability, readjustment, improvement and improvement” for the short-term training at different levels that have been established. Namely: stabilizing the established training system for auction practitioners; making adjustments to pre-exam training and examinations for the auctioneer’s qualifying examinations; changing the ways and means of continuing education for auctioneers and enriching the contents of lectures; and improving the level and level of training for senior management personnel. Secondly, on the basis of this, we should start with organizing the compilation of teaching materials, support the professional auction of colleges and universities, and prepare for starting different types of specialized training. After the discussion and approval of the National Vocational Education Conference, the arrangement of the vocational education for the auction industry in 2006 is as follows:
目的:研究非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者大剂量甲氨蝶呤(HD-MTX)24 h滴注疗法延迟排泄影响因素、不良反应和解救措施。方法:收集某院2009-2014年之间122个患者的377次疗程的HD-MTX24 h
FLIR Systems公司研制出一种新型Ad-vantage Series Prism观察器,它将热图象转换成高分辨率视频,使用户能够立即探测人的热图 FLIR Systems Inc. has developed a new Ad-v
1 CCD CCD是英文Charge Coupled Devices的缩写,意为充电耦合传感器。它是很多种集成半导体电路设计的一种,是1969年美国贝尔研究室发明的。当初发明的目的是想作为微机内存