
来源 :图书发行研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaochaochao
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“一主三多一少”和“三放一联”的发行体制改革,活跃了图书发行市场,形成了千帆竞发的新的图书流通格局,方便了读者购书,解决了新华书店一家难以为继的状况。但是,无序竞争带来的后果也是严重的。比较普遍的反映是订数上不去,许多书不能开印。读者买书难,新华书店卖书难,出版社出书难的问题并未解决。众所周知,出版社自办发行,党政机关权力发行,第二渠道买书号垄断发行,低折扣,高书价,都在畅销书和城市发行上作文章(不是所有出版社),把其余一般图书和农村牧区这些没有什么经济效益的留给主渠道。有的书,是先发第二渠道,后发主渠道。 The reform of the distribution system of “one master, three more and one less” and “three put together one” has activated the book circulation market and formed a new book circulation pattern that Qian Fan contends for. This has facilitated the readers to purchase books and solved the problems that Xinhua Bookstore is hard to make Following the situation. However, the consequences of disorderly competition are also serious. The more common reflection is that the number of books does not increase, and many books can not be printed. Difficult to buy a reader, Xinhua Bookstore hard to sell, publishing house difficult problem is not solved. As we all know, publishers run their own publishing, the power of party and government agencies to issue, the second channel to issue a book number monopoly, low discounts, high book prices, both in the best-selling book and the city issued an article (not all publishers), the rest of the general books And rural pastoral areas which are not economically beneficial to the main channel. Some books, is the second starting line, after the main channel.
现代社会,电话骚扰已经成为公害之一。近来,国际市场上出现了许多能使这个问题得到有效解决的新型电话,备受用户青睐。 一机双号 普通电话只有一个号码,不易保密。双号电话
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日落,黄昏。 一个人心情寥落地推门出来,漫无目的地在街上行走。走在车声里,走在人影中,走在熟悉又陌生的闹市区,神经麻木,了无所思。信步离开闹市,往日的烦恼又影子般随来,