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企业领导班子作为企业的领导集体,是企业健康发展的领航人,领导班子成员的学习能力关系到企业的科学发展,关系到企业的长久不衰。只有把创建学习型组织作为领导班子的一种管理理念,才能持续不断地增强班子的集体智慧,才能充分发挥班子成员的创造能力,努力营造良好的群体和组织之间的学习气氛,使成员和班子价值得到体现,企业组织绩效得以大幅度提升。笔者认为应重视以 As the leading group of enterprises, the leading group of enterprises is the leader of the healthy development of enterprises. The learning ability of members of the leading group is related to the scientific development of the enterprise and the long-term relationship of the enterprise. Only by establishing a learning organization as a management philosophy of the leading body can we continuously enhance the team’s collective wisdom so as to give full play to the creativity of team members and strive to create a good learning atmosphere among groups and organizations so that members and The value of the team is reflected, and the performance of the enterprise organization can be greatly improved. I think we should pay attention to
患者女,35岁。5年前无明显诱因出现双手近指间关节肿痛,伴晨僵,渐四肢多关节肿痛,遇阴雨天加重,无发热。查心肺肝胆肾未见明显异常,严重时实验室检查RF 1∶80,ASO≥800,ESR 2
PURPOSE: To introduce a case of POEMS (polyneuropa- thy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes) sy ndrome with bilateral cystoid
目的:讨论2型糖尿病并发脑血管意外的危险因素。方法:788例住院治疗2型糖尿病患者根据 CT 和 MRI 检查结果分为糖尿病并发脑血管意外组(DMCI)173例与糖尿病无并发脑血管意外组(
Genetic factors predisposing individuals to Behet’s disease(BD) are considered to play important roles in the developmentof the disease. Patients with BD exh