
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itismewhq
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Background/Aims: We examined the persistence of HBV-DNA in sera collected 4- 10 years after IFN-αtherapy from patients with chronic hepatitis B who had ser oconverted to anti-HBs antibodies. We also wanted to assess whether any associa tion exists between HBV-DNA status and the IgG anti-HBs subclass responses. Me thods: Sera were obtained from 38 patients and the following parameters were det ermined in each of them: (1) serological markers of HBV; (2) concentrations of I gM, IgG, IgA; (3) total IgG subclasses. HBV-DNA and IgG anti-HBs subclasses we re determined in anti-HBs positive sera.Results: Four to 10 years after therapy , anti-HBs were found in 37 of 38 patients (GMT: 775 IU/L). In 13 of them (35.1 %) free and/or bound HBV-DNA was present in sera. Significant differences in t he profiles of IgG anti-HBswere observed when the HBV-DNA status was considered. Patients with undetectable HBV-DNA responded mainly with IgG1 and/or IgG3, while in the HBV-DNA-positive group, a high contribution of IgG4 was found. Conclusions: Our study showed that HBV-DNA may persist for a long t ime after IFN-αtherapy despite the appearance of anti-HBs antibodies. The mon itoring of specific IgG subclasses may be of predictive value for HBV-DNA persi stence. Background / Aims: We examined the persistence of HBV-DNA in sera collected 4- 10 years after IFN-α therapy from patients with chronic hepatitis B who had ser oconverted to anti-HBs antibodies. We also wanted to assess whether any associ- ation exists between HBV-DNA status and the IgG anti-HBs subclass responses. Me thods: Sera were obtained from 38 patients and the following parameters were detmined in each of them: (1) serological markers of HBV; (2) concentrations of I gM, IgG and IgA; (3) total IgG subclasses. HBV-DNA and IgG anti-HBs subclasses we re determined in anti-HBs positive sera. Results: Four to 10 years after therapy, anti-HBs were found in 37 of 38 patients Significant differences in t he profiles of IgG anti-HBswere observed when the HBV-DNA status was considered. Patients with undetectable HBV-DNA positive mainly with IgG1 and / or IgG3, while in the HBV-DNA-positive group, a high cont ribution of IgG4 was found. Conclusions: Our study showed that HBV-DNA may persist for a long t ime after IFN-αtherapy despite the appearance of anti-HBs antibodies. The mon itoring of specific IgG subclasses may be predictive value for HBV- DNA persi stence.
【内容摘要】目前,我国教育的人才培养目标主要集中在三方面:认知、生理、人格。其中人格从内在上决定着人的行为倾向,社会中每个人的行为倾向决定着社会的状况,所以人格是影响社会发展的关键因素。作为一名人民教师,培养学生健全的人格是我们义不容辞的责任,而作为一名物理教师,如何在每节课中去渗透健全人格教育是我们值得去思考和探讨的问题。  【关键词】物理教学 习题评讲 健全人格  物理教学作为中学教育的一个重
【摘要】应新课改要求,课堂提问在中学生物课堂已不可或缺。课堂提问种类繁多,提问有效与否直接影响教学效率。有效提问在中学生物课堂中应用广泛,应高度重视。高中生物课堂可围绕“问题”展开,促进学生主动获取知识的同时,提高自身综合素质。  【关键词】高中生物课堂 有效提问 問题  【中图分类号】G633.91【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)10-0178-01  问题教学自古就
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