
来源 :设计家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxw2814
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本项目是为一位刚到萨罗尼加的医生设计一个令人难忘的办公空间,也为来访者创造一种与众不同的就医体验。设计利用可灵活调整的分隔墙将医生办公室及检查室与前台接待区、等候室隔开。该分隔墙与前台及检查室的入口合为一体,其犹如声波形的墙体形式与该医院的专业特征相呼应。具有雕塑感的木质表面通过中等密度的纤维板得以实现,而刻意使用未经处理的纤维板强调了材质的纯朴价值,并与其复杂的形式形成对比。墙面与接待空间由150多片纤维板组成,每块板面形状各异,并通过缜密的拼接方式创造了空间在视觉上步移景 This project is to design an unforgettable office space for a doctor who has just arrived in Salona, ​​and to create a unique medical experience for visitors. The design separates the doctor’s office and the examination room from the reception area and the waiting area with flexible partitions. The partition wall is integrated with the entrance to the reception and examination room, echoing the professional characteristics of the hospital in the form of a sonic wall. The sculptural wood surface is achieved with medium-density fibreboard, and the deliberate use of untreated fibreboard underlines the simplicity of the material and contrasts with its complex form. The wall and reception space consists of over 150 pieces of fiberboard, each with a distinctive shape and creating a visually step-by-step view of the space through meticulous stitching
大夫:你好! 我女儿今年都25岁了,从未来过一次月经,到多家大医院做了妇科检查及全面检查,都说身体发育正常,生殖器无缺陷,有的医生还说不来月经也不会影响生育,这是为什么?
黑龙江省虎林县伟光乡吉安村农家妇女兰淑珍,去年种田纯收入20多万元,被鸡西市妇联授予“双学双比竞赛领头雁”光荣称号。去年初,兰淑珍在一些村民不愿种地、怕担风险的 La
长寿老人究竟吃些什么?一直是世界科学家和希望长寿的人十分关注的问题。 据科学家实地考察,在巴基斯坦罕萨地区,长寿老人的主食是粗制面粉、薯类,主要副食是乳及乳制品、水