A Middleware-based Distributed Management Framework for Next-generation Network

来源 :计算机工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuiwadandan
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As the basis for next-generation application middleware, distributed computing technique is increasingly used in the network management to fulfill the integration of diverse management systems. Furthermore Web technology is widely used in interaction friendly with user. This article puts forward a MNMI (Middleware-based Network Management Integration) framework in the domain of the management of IPv6 test bed-NSFCNET (National Natural Science Foundation of China Network). The framework uses a logically-layers method from user interface to managers and pseudo-agent, which uses distributed management and groups managed objects to retrieve, and thus it has assured the performance of network management by providing multiple object quick access. As the basis for next-generation application middleware, distributed computing technique is increasingly used in the network management to fulfill the integration of diverse management systems. based Network Management Integration) framework in the domain of the management of IPv6 test bed-NSFCNET (National Natural Science Foundation of China Network). The framework uses a logically-layers method from user interface to managers and pseudo-agents, which uses distributed management and groups managed objects to retrieve, and thus it has assured the performance of network management by providing multiple object quick access.
根据联合国贸易与发展会议铁矿石信托基金(Unctad Iron Ore Trust Fund)公布的数据,2011年全球球团矿产量同比增长3.5%至4.16亿t,创历史新高。报告显示,2010年全球球团矿产量
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