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一、本省秋征后,农村经济渐呈活泼,农民向城市购买银饰品者日多,致各地银楼事实上已在营业者为数不少,我们对于农民的这种需要,固应予以照顾,但如果完全不加管理,不法商人又会乘机捣卖金银,金银买卖,必然由地下走入公开,将会严重的影响金融市场,为此,特颁布「湖南省银饰品业登记管理暂行办法」随示附发希研究执行。二、在执行登记时,各地对于地点分布及户数多少,应慎重掌握,除应认真区别那些确是真正的银作坊,那些是投机组合外,在数量上也要注意不使超过当地的正常需要,一般正常、衡、益、邵、沅等较大城市,最多应不超过五家,中小城市最多应不超过三家,一般小市镇则以不准设立为原则,如需设立亦以一家为限。三、在少数民族地区(苗、徭等民族聚居地区)不受以上限制,可依当地习惯办理。 First, after the autumn harvest in the province, the rural economy has become more and more lively. More and more peasants buy silver ornaments from the cities, so the silver houses in various places have in fact been a large number of operators. We need to take care of such needs of peasants. However, If completely unregulated, unscrupulous traders will take the opportunity to smash gold and silver, gold and silver trading will inevitably go underground into the open market, which will seriously affect the financial market. To this end, promulgated the "Interim Measures for the Registration of Silver Jewelry Industry in Hunan Province Send with the Greek study execution. Second, in the implementation of registration, all over the location and the number of households should be carefully controlled, in addition to those who really should be distinguished from the real silver workshop, those are speculative portfolio, but also in terms of quantity should not exceed the local normal Needs, general normal, Heng, Yi, Shao, Yuan and other larger cities should not exceed a maximum of five small and medium-sized cities should not exceed three, the general small towns are not allowed to set up the principle of the need to set up also to a Limited. Third, in ethnic minority areas (Miao, Sui and other ethnic areas) are not subject to the above restrictions, according to the local custom.
以香菇多糖为研究对象,研制香菇多糖泡腾片.通过考察确定泡腾片的制备方法及碳酸氢钠包裹物PEG 6000用量.通过单因素试验考察确定填充剂、崩解剂、黏合剂、矫味剂和润滑剂种