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影片《心迷宫》中恰如其分的叙事巧合让人在不断的怀疑中不停地寻找对于自我认知。小小山村的看似与世隔绝,实则更像是导演忻钰坤的影像语言创造出的一种“主观性林立”的黑暗森林法则般的社会,上至村长及其委员下到赌徒无赖,每一个人中情感与利益的纠葛肆虐着残酷冲突、无情抗争,遍地是丑恶罪行,宛如《百年孤独》中那个早已决定好宿命的马孔多小镇。既因人无法脱离外在制约而生存,却又渴望脱离外在世界制约从而成为独立个体,外在世界的制约而使自己成为世界的局外人,甚至沦落为不自由的人,这种双重矛盾下就产生了奇妙的荒诞性。 Appropriate narrative coincidence in the film “Heart Labyrinth” is constantly looking for self-awareness in constant suspicion. The seemingly secluded small mountain village is actually more like a “subjective” dark forest law created by the image language of director Xin Yukun, down to the village head and members Gambler rogue, everyone in the emotional and interests of the dispute raging cruel conflict, merciless protests, ugly crime everywhere, like the “one hundred years of loneliness” that has long been decided fate of the town of Macondo. It is under the dual contradiction that people can not survive without external restraint but are eager to become detached from the external world so as to become independent individuals and external world and make themselves become outsiders and even free people in the world It produced a wonderful absurdity.
Future quantitative assessments will be expected to estimate quantities, values, and locations of undiscovered mineral resources in a form that conveys both eco
多年来,大多数学者把现代古生物学的诞生归于理查德·欧文(Richwh Owen)爵士。欧文是英国自然史博物馆的创建人,也是维多利亚女王和她的两位首相的朋友。 然而,德博拉·卡德
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