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上期我们介绍了王建德老师艰难曲折的人生经历;介绍了他每年培养计算机信息学英才的情况。 10年来,中国在参加国际中学生奥林匹克信息学竞赛中,共派出40余名选手参赛,上海选手占了1/4,王老师培养的学生有10多人;6次获金奖,一次银奖,2次铜奖,上海也占了2/3之多;王老师10年共收学生2千多人次,在为中国培育计算机信息学英才的道路上,倾注了他极大热情和精力。 著书立说 硕果累累 在80年代,对于中国的计算机事业来说,不论是计算机硬件,还是计算机软件,应该有许多发展的机会。如长城、东海、浪潮等国产品牌,在市场上都占有一席之地;巨型机的研究(如银河系列)也是硕果累累。软件行业,如操作系统,汉字系统、应用平台等也百花争放、层出不穷。当时,王老师在西文操作系统、数据库领域也作了大量的研究和开发工作。他的工作受到了当时许多专家教授认可(如《中西文DBASE—Ⅱ》、《中西文CP/M操作系统等》)。 后来由于国外的计算机技术发展飞速。特别是90年代以后,各种新的硬件、软件产品,特别是Intel、Microsoft等公司的产品,在市场上的占有率迅速扩展,使得我国在这个领域的差距很快扩大,几乎是国产品的一统天下。在这个领域参与竞争的空间相 In the previous issue, we introduced the difficult and tortuous life experience of Wang Jiande. He introduced his annual training of computer informatics talents. Over the past 10 years, China has sent more than 40 contestants to participate in the Olympic Games Informatics Competition for International Middle School Students. Shanghai athletes accounted for 1/4 of the total. More than 10 students were trained by Wang; 6 gold medals, one silver medal, 2 The bronze prize in Shanghai also accounted for more than two-thirds of the total. Wang spent a total of more than 2,000 students in 10 years, devoting great enthusiasm and energy to fostering the talents of computer informatics in China. Writing books and said fruitful In the 1980s, for China’s computer industry, whether it is computer hardware, or computer software, there should be many opportunities for development. Such as the Great Wall, the East China Sea, Inspur and other domestic brands, have a place in the market; supercomputer research (such as the Galaxy series) is also fruitful. Software industry, such as operating system, Chinese system, application platform, also flowers bloom, after another. At that time, Mr. Wang also made a lot of research and development work in the field of operating systems and databases. His work was recognized by many experts and professors at that time (such as “Chinese and Western DBASE-Ⅱ”, “Chinese and Western CP / M operating system, etc.”). Later, due to the rapid development of foreign computer technology. Especially since the 1990s, the market share of various new hardware and software products, especially those from Intel and Microsoft, has rapidly expanded. As a result, the gap between China and the United States in this area has rapidly expanded. Dominate the world. The space phase to compete in this area
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