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文章以国外学术内容产业的数字化进程为切入点,回顾了联机数据库、光盘数据、网络数据库等发展阶段,根据主流产品将国外学术内容运营商划分为全文出版商、二次文献提供商和集成商。基于产品、用户策略、基础资源管理等方面,结合实例总结归纳了国外各类型学术内容运营商的运营策略。最后,在分析我国各类型学术内容运营商当前发展存在问题的基础上,结合学术内容运营商的性质、规模和发展阶段,重点从数据加工、产品开发、版权管理等方面探讨我国学术内容运营商的差异化经营策略。 Based on the digitalization process of foreign academic content industry, the article reviews the development stages of on-line databases, CD-ROM data and network databases. According to the mainstream products, the operators of foreign academic content are divided into full-text publishers, secondary document providers and integrators . Based on the examples of products, user strategies and basic resources management, this paper summarizes the operation strategies of all kinds of foreign academic operators. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the existing problems of the current development of all kinds of academic content operators in our country and combining with the nature, scale and stage of development of the academic content operators, this paper focuses on the research on operators of academic content in China from data processing, product development and copyright management Differentiated business strategy.
以上海第四机床厂箱体零件FMS为例.从分析现代FMS的过程监视和故障诊断的需求入手,确定所需采集的各个生产状态信号和故障信号,并在微机WINDOWS环境中用C ̄(++)语言开发实用的软件,建立FMS的实时生产过程