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鲍店矿井的北风井是由主井工业广场35kV变电所经过长约4km两回路6kV输电线路供电。在矿井建设期间,特别是在永久35kV变电所未投入运行之前,经常因为电压波动超限而影响大型电气设备运转。该井地面630kW提升绞车受电压的影响最为突出。如果采取35kV变电所调整主变电压切换接点,这种调压方法一是影响面大,二是操作麻烦,北风井只是其用户之一,经常要求35kV变电所调压不是每次都能如意。所以我们首先在该井的提升绞车进线电源上试用了串联加压式的带负荷调压装置,经过近三年运行,反映良好,基 The breeze shaft of Baodian Mine is powered by 35kV substation of Main Well Industrial Plaza and 6kV transmission line with two loops of about 4km. During the construction of the mine, especially before the permanent 35kV substation is put into operation, the operation of large electrical equipment is often affected because of the voltage fluctuation overrun. The well ground 630kW winch by the voltage of the most prominent. If the 35kV substation to adjust the main transformer voltage switching contacts, the first one is the impact of pressure regulating large area, and second, the operation is troublesome, Beifeng wells is only one of its users often require substation 35kV substation not every time Can wishful. Therefore, we first tried the series pressurization load-carrying voltage regulator on the hoist winch power supply of the well, and after nearly three years of operation, it reflected a good base
根据《财富》杂志最新公布的2007年咨询公司排名,我们看到其中有个比较有意思的现象,排在第六到第八名的三个公司,都和美世(Mercer)有关系,分别是美世咨询公司(Mercer Manage
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慢性肾脏病(Chronic Kidney Disease,CKD)的发病率及患病率呈逐年递增的趋势,已成为威胁公共健康的世界性难题。调查显示,西方国家大约有8-10%人口受其影响,而我国CKD患者人数已超过
The amount of lymph node dissection(LD) required during surgical treatment of gastric cancer surgery has been quite controversial.In the 1970 s and 1980 s,Japan
知“民”度必须强化 一次,在豫西的一个深山贫困乡调查,我们向乡长问起农民年纯收入有多少,每人年占有粮食有多少,小学入学率有多少,这位上任一年多的乡长竟支支吾吾答不上