Phase relations of R-T-M ternary system, crystal structure and magnetic properties of R(T, M)_13 com

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WRYJL2001
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Rare earth (R)-3d transition metal (T) intermetallic compounds have potential application as permanent magnets and other novel smart materials owing to their distinctive electronic structures. Since the saturation magnetization increases with the increase in the 3d transition metal content, T-rich intermetallic compounds are the most promising candidates for new magnetic materials. For example, a series of R_(1-δ)T_(5+2δ) compounds can be formed by substituting dump-bell T-T atoms for the R atoms in RT_5 compounds with the CaCu_5-type structure. For δ=1/2, which means that a dump-bell T-T atoms replaces one R atom in every two RT_5 units, there form RT_(12)-type compounds with the ThMn_(12)-type structure.For δ= 1/3, a dump-bell T-T atom substitutes for one R atom in every three RT_5 units, Rare earth (R) -3d transition metal (T) intermetallic compounds have potential application as permanent magnets and other novel smart materials owing to their distinctive electronic structures. Since the saturation magnetization increases with the increase in the 3d transition metal content, T-rich For example, a series of R_ (1-δ) T_ (5 + 2δ) compounds can be formed by substituting dump-clock TT atoms for the R atoms in RT_5 compounds with the For δ = 1/2, which means that a dump-ring TT atoms replaces one R atom in every two RT_5 units, there is RT_ (12) -type compounds with the ThMn_ (12) -type structure. For δ = 1/3, a dump-bell TT atom substitutes for one R atom in every three RT_5 units,
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