Effect of Simulated Microgravity and its Associated Mechanism on Pulmonary Circulation in Rats

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jasn114
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Objective To study the effect of Simulated Microgravity and its Associated Mechanism on Pulmonary Circulation in Rats. Methods Rat tail-suspension model was used to simulate the physiological effects of microgravity and changes in pulmonary blood vessel morphology, pulmonary arterial and venous blood pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary vasomotoricity, as well as the regulation of pulmonary circulation by cytokines produced and released by the lung of rats were measured. Results The walls of pulmonary blood vessels of rats were thickened, and the pulmonary artery was reconstructed with increased pulmonary vascular resistance. The pulmonary blood vessels of rats became more prone to dilation as contractions increased. Rat epithelial Adrenomedulin gene transcription and protein expression were upregulated. The level of basic fibroblast growth Factor of rat was also elevated. Conclusion Findings from the present study on rats revealed that the microgravity can affect pulmonary blood vessel structure, pulmonary arterial pressure, and pulmonary blood vessel self-regulation and cytokine production. Objective To study the effect of Simulated Microgravity and its Associated Mechanism on Pulmonary Circulation in Rats. Methods Rat tail-suspension model was used to simulate the physiological effects of microgravity and changes in pulmonary blood vessel morphology, pulmonary arterial and venous blood pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary vasomotoricity, as well as the regulation of pulmonary circulation caused by cytokines produced and released by the lung of rats were thickened, and the pulmonary artery was reconstructed with increased pulmonary vascular resistance. The level of basic fibroblast growth factor of rat was also elevated. Conclusion Findings from the present study on rats revealed that the microgravity can affect pulmona ry blood vessel structure, pulmonary arterial pressure, and pulmonary blood vessel self-regulation and cytokine production.
摘要:随着时代和女性主义的发展,夏洛蒂·勃朗特的作品《简·爱》中的疯女人形象越来越受到人们的关注。在她的身上,夏洛蒂·勃朗特倾注了自己内心的反抗因子,也借这个形象对当时英国社会的社会文化进行了抨击和讽刺。  关键词:夏洛蒂·勃朗特;《简·爱》;疯女人  一、简介  《简·爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特最具代表性的作品,也被认为是女性主义作品的经典之作。而在弗洛伊德提出精神分析理论之前,文学批评家们一直认为简
温哥华的“富人区”,不仅因为房价超出北边好几成,而且这里的居民大多不用靠薪水养家,他们是有钱有闲族,所以才会发出“好山好水好无聊”的感慨。不过好在耐不住寂寞的中国人实在聪明,想出很多变“无聊”为“乐趣”的办法,譬如参加高尔夫俱乐部、打羽球、钓鱼、滑雪、划皮划艇......可谓花样百出,不胜枚举。  当然,华裔富人中想成就一番事业的也大有人在。贺志成和文铭夫妇便是这样一对雄心勃勃的闯将,他们是201