围绕治理整顿 深化企业改革

来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harryamarly
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在治理整顿期间,企业改革的必要性和紧迫性不仅没有减弱,反而更加突出了。在治理整顿条件下,企业改革的中心任务是提高企业效益。压缩投资、紧缩信贷,迫使企业发展从外延型转向内涵型;抑制需求,部分商品出现买方市场,迫使企业走上眼睛向内、挖掘潜力、增强竞争能力的轨道。这就使企业在面临严峻困难的同时,也带来了转变经营机制和发展模式、提高效率和效益的机遇与可能。笔者认为,治理整顿期间,企业改革应重点抓以下环节: 坚持、完善、发展承包经营责任制。1989、1990年,企业第一轮承包相继到期,应不失时机地 During the process of rectification and reform, the necessity and urgency of the reform have not only not weakened, but have become even more prominent. Under the condition of rectifying and rectifying, the central task of enterprise reform is to improve the efficiency of enterprises. Compression investment, tightening of credit, forcing the development of enterprises from the extension to the connotation of type; curb demand, some buyers of goods market, forcing enterprises to embark on the eyes, tap potential and enhance the competitiveness of the track. This has given enterprises an opportunity and an opportunity to transform their management mechanism and mode of development so as to increase their efficiency and effectiveness while facing severe difficulties. The author believes that during the period of governance and reorganization, the reform of enterprises should focus on the following links: upholding, perfecting and developing the responsibility system of contracting management. In 1989 and 1990, the first round of contracting enterprises have expired one after another, should lose no time
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