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当前医学分科越来越细,由此带来的就是各专业期刊也越来越多。《中国实用内科杂志》是内科领域的综合性期刊,面对这样的环境,期刊应该怎样办下去一直是办刊人努力思考的问题。而中宣部、新闻出版总署关于在新闻出版系统深入持久开展“走基层、转作风、改文风”活动的部署给了办刊人灵感,医学媒体应承担起促进基层医疗卫生事业发展的社会责任,应该走到读者、作者中去,了解基层读者的需要,更好地为基层医务工作者服务,由此,编辑部开展了“走基层、转作风、改文风——倾听一线读者、作者心声”系列活动。“抗菌策略讲座”就是在“走转改”精神指导下策划出来的。本文从指导思想、创办过程及创办心得三个方面介绍抗菌策略讲座的策划。 The current sub-division of medicine is getting smaller and thinner, resulting in more and more professional journals. The Journal of Practical Internal Medicine in China is a comprehensive periodical in the field of internal medicine. In the face of such an environment, how journals should go about it has always been a problem that journalists try hard to think about. The Central Propaganda Department and the General Administration of Press and Publication have given inspiration to the organizers about the in-depth and long-term development of the press and publication system, and the medical media should assume the task of promoting the development of grassroots medical and health undertakings Social responsibility, we should go to the readers, authors, to understand the needs of grassroots readers, and to better serve the grass-roots medical workers, thus, the editorial department launched a “grass-roots, style of work, change style - listen to the line Reader, author voice ”series of activities. “Antibacterial strategy lecture ” is planned under the guidance of the spirit of “to go to change ”. This article introduces the planning of the lecture on antibacterial strategy from three aspects: guiding ideology, founding process and founding idea.
语言不仅能传达思想 ,还使思维成为可能。语言是存在的家园。语言不仅仅在复制现实世界 ,更重要的是帮助人们认识现实世界。语言还使人类拥有其他动物所不可能具备的特殊的智
听说读写是大学英语综合性技能训练的重点 ,只有同时发展各项语言技能 ,才能真正提高英语的实际运用能力。英语教学 ,尤其是大学阶段的英语教学 ,不仅仅要注意拓展学生的英语
Scientific American作为全球第一品牌的科普杂志,有着质量水平高、传播范围广、发行量巨大、知名度与美誉度高等特点,通过对这些特点的描述,深刻剖析其成功的原因,最终得出