
来源 :中国京剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superheron
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相伴50年的夫妻,才可以迎来金婚庆典。而年逾古稀的李鸣岩和曲咏春夫妇,已经在2008年平静而幸福地度过了他们的金婚纪念日,如今正携手向“钻石婚”走去。独特的求爱方式说起曲咏春和李鸣岩的爱情渊源,难免要提及那句老话:“千里姻缘一线牵”。曲咏春家在东北,李鸣岩家在北京,如果不是都选择了京剧做终身事业,他们也许一生也难得相见呢。新中国成立初期,筹建中的中国戏曲学校(即今中国戏曲学院前身)成功接收了北平四维戏剧学校的学生;1953年之后,沈阳东北戏校的学生们分批迁到北京,并入新成立的中国戏曲学校。两校合为一校,成全了来自四维戏剧学校的李鸣岩和来自东北戏校的曲咏春,他们不仅成为了该 Accompanied by 50 years of couples, we can welcome the golden wedding ceremony. And over senescent Li Mingyan and Qu Yongchun couple, in 2008 calm and happy to spend their golden wedding anniversary, and now are hand in hand to the “Diamond Wedding ” go. Unique way of seeking love Speaking of Qu Yongchun and Li Mingyan’s love origins, it is inevitable to mention the old saying goes: “Trinidad marriage”. Qu Yongchun home in the northeast, Li Mingyan home in Beijing, if not all chose Peking Opera as a lifelong career, they may have a rare lifetime meet it. In the early days after the founding of new China, the planned Chinese drama school (now the predecessor of the Chinese Opera Academy) successfully accepted students from the Peking four-dimensional theater school. After 1953, students from the Northeast Northeast Opera School moved to Beijing in phases and merged into the newly established Chinese Opera School. The two schools are united as a single school, which completes Li Mingyan from the Four-dimensional Theater School and Qu Yongchun from the Northeast Opera School. They not only become the
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The title compound 7,3-dihydroxy-4-methoxyisoflavone isolated from the stems of Eremosparton songoricum was characterized by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, H1-H1COSY, HMQ