A general, rapid and solvent-free approach to fabricating nanostructured polymer surfaces

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuizhongcanyue
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A general, rapid and solvent-free approach is proposed to fabricate nanostructured polymer surfaces by coupling ultrasonic vibration and anodized aluminum oxide templating. With our approach, hollow nanorods or nanofibers with controlled diameter and length are prepared on polymer surfaces. The whole fabrication process is completed in ~30 s and equally applicable to polymers of different crystalline structures. The wettability of the as-fabricated polymer surfaces(being hydrophilic, hydrophobic, highly hydrophobic or even superhydrophobic) is readily regulated by adjusting the welding time from 0 s to a maximum of 10 s. Our approach can be a promising industrial basis for manufacturing functional nanomaterials in the fields of electronics, optics, sensors, biology, medicine, coating, or fluidic technologies. A general, rapid and solvent-free approach is proposed to fabricate nanostructured polymer surfaces by coupling ultrasonic vibration and anodized aluminum oxide templating. With our approach, hollow nanorods or nanofibers with controlled diameters and length are prepared on polymer surfaces. The whole fabrication process is completed in ~ 30 s and equally applicable to polymers of different crystalline structures. The wettability of the as-fabricated polymer surfaces (being hydrophilic, hydrophobic, highly hydrophobic or even superhydrophobic) is regulated by adjusting the welding time from 0 s to a maximum of 10 s. Our approach can be a promising industrial basis for manufacturing functional nanomaterials in the fields of electronics, optics, sensors, biology, medicine, coating, or fluidic technologies.
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