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关注世界杯的人大概都会注意到,出席本届世界杯开幕式的,不仅有一些国家的政要,还有一些在全球商场叱咤风云的商界巨子,他们不仅仅是凭借其所管理的企业的雄厚实力而坐在那里,更因为他们有极高的管理企业、掌控企业发展战略的艺术水平。反观中国商人们、企业家们,制假售假者有之,空手套白狼者有之,杀鸡取卵者有之,利胆包天、漫撒弥天大谎者有之,置法纪、良知于不顾,恣意翻云覆雨者有之,反倒是称得上有所成就的屈指可数,如此,则中国商人何日才得与这些商界巨子们相抗衡?另一方面我们也看到中国综合国力虽日渐提高,但在国际舞台上依然难以达到左右逢源、挥洒自如的程度,究其原因。元外乎中国经济实力与世界强国之间的差距仍然太大。而中国经济实力的提高,在很大程度上有赖于中国商人们、企业家们提高自身素质,提高企业管理水平与战略管理水平。本期我们刊登《从“糊涂神儿”到“买卖精儿”》和《“馋嘴鸭”兵败西安》两篇文章,其着眼点即在于点出这个问题,以期引起大家的注意。 Those concerned about the World Cup will probably notice that not only do some of the country’s political figures, but also some of the top businessmen in the world’s shopping malls attend the opening ceremony of the World Cup, not only relying on the solid strength of the companies they manage. There, it is because they have a very high level of management of the enterprise and control the art level of the company’s development strategy. On the other hand, Chinese businessmen and entrepreneurs have fake counterfeiters. Empty gloves and white wolf have them. There are people who kill chickens and pick eggs. Librarians, and people who throw in the air, have a big liar, and they don’t care about law and conscience. There are only a handful of people who have turned their backs and bounds. On the other hand, we have seen that Chinese businessmen have to contend with these giants of the business community. On the other hand, we also see that although China’s overall national strength has been increasing, it is still international. On the stage, it is still difficult to reach the level of dominance and sway, and the reason for this. The gap between China’s economic strength and the world’s power is still too great. The improvement of China’s economic strength depends, to a large extent, on Chinese business people and entrepreneurs to improve their own quality and improve the level of corporate management and strategic management. In this issue, we publish two articles, “From Confusing to Children” to “Buying and Selling Jinger” and “Picking Ducks” and “Defeat Xi’an”. The focus of this article is to point out this issue in order to trigger Everyone’s attention.
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本期主角:道尔顿  神奇咒语:如果我有什么成绩的话,那不是我有才能的结果,而是勤奋和毅力的结果。    行动故事:    1.好学的小仆人  道尔顿(1766-1844) 出生在英国坎伯兰的一个贫困的乡村,他的父亲是一个纺织工人。当时正值第一次工业革命包期,很多破产的农民沦为雇工。道尔顿一家生活十分困顿,他的一个弟弟和一个妹妹都因为饥饿和疾病而夭折。道尔顿在童年没有读书的条件,10岁时开始给一个
南宋诗人杨万里有一首《小池》写得极美:泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔。小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。  太有画面感的一首诗了。  诗里的“小荷”说的却并不是荷花,而是未舒展开来的娇嫩荷叶,缩卷成尖的叶角,刚刚伸出水面,便被一只蜻蜓轻盈地驻足。  老虎爱这诗意。但老虎更爱的是吃这件事。  济南有一样用“小荷才露尖尖角”的嫩荷尖油炸的美味,叫炸荷尖,是老虎下酒的至愛。  济南人称泉城,有名者七十二处