Study on in-situ Mg_2Si/Al-Si composites with different compositions

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Effects of chemical composition and heat treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of in-situ Mg2Si/Al-Si composites were investigated.It was found that,in the microstructure of an Al-5.7wt% Mg2Si composite with 8.2wt% extra Si,the binary eutectic Mg2Si locates at the grain boundaries with an undeveloped Chinese script-like morphology,and the primary α-Al is formed into a cell structure due to the selective modif ication effect of the modif iers of mischmetal and Strontium salt;whereas in the composite with a near Al-Mg2Si eutectic composition and little extra Si content,the intercrescence eutectic Mg2Si formed with the binary eutectic α-Al grows into integrated Chinese script-like shape.As Si content increases,the eutectic Mg2Si dendrite becomes coarser in morphology but less in volume fraction.Hardness and tensile strength of the cast Mg2Si/Al-Si composites do not increase with increasing of Mg content,but they are related to the size and morphology of the eutectic and primary Mg2Si phases.Heat treatment with optimal parameters is an effective way to improve the properties of the in-situ composites. Effects of chemical composition and heat treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of in-situ Mg2Si / Al-Si composites were investigated. It was found that in the microstructure of an Al-5.7 wt% Mg2Si composite with 8.2 wt% extra Si, the binary eutectic Mg2Si locates at the grain boundaries with an undeveloped Chinese script-like morphology, and the primary α-Al is formed into a cell structure due to the selective modification effect of the modifiers of mischmetal and Strontium salt; whereas in the composite with a near Al-Mg2Si eutectic composition and little extra Si content, the intercrescence eutectic Mg2Si formed with the binary eutectic α-Al grows into integrated Chinese script-like shape. As Si content increases, the eutectic Mg2Si dendrite becomes coarser in morphology but less in volume fraction. Hardness and tensile strength of the cast Mg2Si / Al-Si composites do not increase with increasing of Mg content, but they are related to the size and morphology of the eutectic and primary Mg2Si phases. Heat treatment with optimal parameters is an effective way to improve the properties of the in-situ composites.
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