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鹰潭市第五小学近年来增强了育人意识,大力改革德育教育,努力探索新形势下小学德育的内容、途径和方法,初步形成了学校、家庭、社会三结合教育的整体格局,促进了小学德育工作向科学化方向发展。 一、搞好德育序列跟踪实验,探索德育工作新路子。在省教科所具体指导下,该校从86年起进行了德育序列跟踪实验。实验历时三年,实验班学生思想上进,精神面貌良好,团结友爱,助人为乐,学习积极,兴趣广泛,思维活跃,在德智体美劳诸方面全面发展。受到社会和家长的欢迎。此项实验已于1989年8月由省教委教科所通过鉴定合格,实验成果已被广大教师所接受,并用之深化德育教育改革。 二、办好家长学校,提高家长素质,净化家庭育人“小环境”。该校1985年秋开办家长学校,家长通过学习,教育培养孩子的目标明了,方法多了,孩子对家长的感情更深厚了;孩子的学习、道德行为进步快了,从而密切了家长与学校的关系,争取了全社会关心、支持学校和学校教育。现在该校的家长学校已由点到面,全 The Yingtan Fifth Primary School has intensified its awareness of educating people in recent years, vigorously reformed moral education, and strived to explore the contents, approaches, and methods of primary school moral education in the new situation. It initially formed the overall pattern of the triple-education of schools, families, and society, and promoted primary schools. The moral education work is developing in a scientific direction. First, do a good job in moral education sequence tracking experiments to explore new ways of moral education. Under the specific guidance of the Provincial Institute of Education, the school has conducted moral education sequence tracking experiments since 86 years. The experiment lasted for three years. The students in the experimental class were ideologically motivated, had a good mental outlook, were united and fraternal, helped people with joy, learned positively, had extensive interests, and had active thinking. They all developed in a comprehensive manner. It is welcomed by society and parents. This experiment was approved by the Provincial Education Commission in August 1989. The experimental results have been accepted by the teachers and used to deepen the reform of moral education. Second, run a parent school, improve the quality of the parents, and purify the “minor environment” for family education. The school set up a parent school in the autumn of 1985. Parents learned and educated their children more clearly. There are many ways to do this. Children have deeper feelings for parents. Children’s learning and moral behaviors are progressing faster, which in turn has strengthened the relationship between parents and schools. , For the whole society cares and supports school and school education. Now the school’s parents’ school has gone from point to point.
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