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目的:探讨膝关节翼状韧带形态分型及其与后交叉韧带上止点的解剖关系.方法:解剖13个新鲜冷冻膝关节(左膝6个,右膝7个),观察记录翼状韧带的不同形态,并观察翼状韧带股骨止点与后交叉韧带上止点的解剖关系.并对后交叉韧带上止点-翼状韧带股骨止点做组织切片,HE染色观察.结果:通过解剖13个膝关节,发现膝关节存在一个从前至后的纵隔结构,其前方与脂肪垫相连,通过翼状韧带,前、后交叉韧带之间,向后方形成膝关节的后纵隔.13个膝关节中,翼状韧带均从后交叉韧带的外缘绕过,通过前、后交叉韧带之间连接后纵隔.通过解剖,发现翼状韧带从形态学上分为3型:完整型(膜型),2个,占15.4%;不完整型(分离型),10个,占76.9%;缺如型,1个,占7.7%.另外,还发现翼状韧带的股骨止点与后交叉韧带的股骨止点连接靠近,组织切片上密切连接.结论:膝关节翼状韧带从形态学上可以分为完整型(膜型)、不完整型(分离型)和缺如型三种类型,并且与后交叉韧带上止点的解剖关系密切.“,”Objective To investigate the shape of the infrapatellar plica of the knee and its anatomical relationship with the femoral insertion of posterior cruciate ligament(PCL).Methods Thirteen fresh frozen adult cadaveric knee joints(6 left knees and 7 right knees) were dissected to explore the shape of the infrapatellar plica and its anatomical relationship with the femoral insertion of PCL.According to the HE staining,The junction of the femoral insertion of the infrapatellar plica and PCL was also observed using the hematoxylin-eosin staining.Results There was an infrapatellar plica in the knee,the anterior of which was connected to the fat pad.And then it passed the PCL at the lateral side,posteriorly connected to the middle part of the sagittal septum located between the anterior and posterior cruciate ligament.The posterior part of the sagittal septum formed the posterior septum of the knee.It was found that the infrapatellar plica could be classified into the complete type(membrane type) of 15.4% (2/13),the incomplete type (separate type) of 76.9% (10/13) and the absent type of 7.7% (1/13) according to their morphologic characteristics.Moreover,the femoral insertion of the infrapatellar plica and the PCL was very close histologically.Conclusion The anatomical relationship between the infrapatellar plica of knee and the femoral insertion of PCL was very close in the anatomical structure.The infrapatellar plica is morphologically classified the complete type(membrane type),incomplete type(separate type) and absent type.
目的:探讨通过胫骨结节近端移位手术治疗重度习惯性髌骨脱位(habitual dislocation of patella,HDP)的临床疗效.方法:2010年4月至2014年4月,共51例习惯性髌骨脱位患者接受手
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目的:观察低强度脉冲超声(LIPUS)对磷酸三钙(tricalcium phosphate,TCP)磨损颗粒诱导的假体周围骨细胞(osteocyte)损伤的影响,并探讨其可能作用机理.方法:取6~8周龄ICR雄性小