Experimental validation of domain-level gradient-based and hierarchical PCE-based routing and contro

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A domain-level gradient-based routing (DLR) algorithm for heterogeneous optical networks with synchronous digital hierarchy and optical transport network domains is proposed and experimentally validated. This algorithm classifies domains into groups with incremental levels on the basis of domain-level partitioning, and guides paths level by level along a gradient on the basis of interdomain routing tree evolution. The proposed algorithm is implemented in the hierarchical path computation element-based control architecture for connection provisioning. Testbeds with commercial and emulated nodes are established to verify the feasibility and performance of the algorithm. Experimental and emulation results show that DLR effectively performs in terms of network blocking probability, real time characteristics, and scalability.
空气质量问题已经成为目前最为关注的社会热点问题之一, 米散射激光雷达由于具有时间和空间分辨能力而被广泛应用于该问题的研究。针对国内首台自行研制的355nm激发波长的荧光-米偏振激光雷达系统完成了定标, 以有效提高气溶胶反演精度。定标包括对米偏振通道以及荧光通道和米通道的标定。用半波片法和分光片法设计了多组定标实验, 得到了对应的通道相关系数,消除了系统各通道之间的偏差。定标结果表明米偏振通道的相关系数平均值为1.01, 标准差不超过0.13, 荧光和米通道相关系数平均值为1.13, 标准差不超过0.04。
根据日本A. D. Little公司的一项研究,在光电子学工业中日本厂商将胜过国外竞争者而获得销售市场。该项研究把“光电子学”定义为:使激光器和具有晶体管元件的有源光学元件集成在同一片砷化镓电路上。这些器件的应用之一是光纤通信。
A high-birefringence linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is written into a polarization-maintaining photosensitive fiber by ultraviolet (UV) beam through a linearly chirped phase mask. Its performance as group velocity dispersion (GVD) and polariza
高精度的干涉仪对于准确观察各类物理现象有着非常重要的作用。 提出了利用受激布里渊散射效应构造拉姆齐干涉仪的理论方案。整个方案包含两次受激布里渊散射效应的激发过程, 而构造拉姆齐干涉所需的干涉相位则源于第一次受激布里渊散射效应产生的相干声子的自由演化,借助第二次受激布里渊散射效应, 拉姆齐干涉条纹就可以直接从输出光场中读取。由于输出光场是大量光子的平均效应,因此,拉姆齐输出谱对系统噪声并不敏感。 此外,该理论方案可以用现有实验技术实现。
Deep ultraviolet lasers have various applications in industries and scientific researches. For 266-nm ultraviolet (UV) laser generation, the good beam quality of 1064-nm laser and the elimination of gray-tracking effect of KTP crystal are two key factors.
A demultiplexing scheme based on semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and optical filter for optical time division multiplexing differential quadrature phase shift keying (OTDM-DQPSK) system is proposed and investigated experimentally. With only a common