The Effect of Genetic Polymorphism upon Antineoplastic Sensitivity

来源 :Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubear
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In clinical practice, patients undergoing chemotherapy display prominent individual differences, adverse reactions and sensitivity to antineoplastic therapy. Those differences are caused by individual genetic polymorphism of related genes. Genetic variation can induce distinct alterations of drug-metabolizing enzymes, drug transporters, drug targets and DNA repair enzymes and thereby influence the ability of the drugs to reach their target sites. This article reviews in detail the potential interactions mentioned above. In clinical practice, patients undergoing chemotherapy display prominent individual differences, adverse reactions and sensitivity to antineoplastic therapy. Those differences are caused by individual genetic polymorphism of related genes. Genetic variation can induce distinct alterations of drug-metabolizing enzymes, drug transporters, drug targets and DNA repair enzymes and therefore influence the ability of the drugs to reach their target sites. This article reviews in detail the potential interactions mentioned above.
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