Optimization of Pass Schedule in Hot Strip Rolling

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MM_8023
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Rolling schedule not only determines the rolling process to be going smoothly, but also affects the shape accuracy and structure properties of finished strip. In order to gain good strip crown and flatness, the calculation formulas of the most suitable rolling force and bending force are deduced. By taking relatively equal load of rolling power and good shape as objective functions, the optimization mathematical models of finish rolling schedule are established. By contrast, the rolling schedules after optimization can improve the rolling mill working status and ensure the strip crown and flatness to be good. At the same time, the setting value of bending force is improved and this leaves more space for on-line shape control. Rolling Schedule not only determines the rolling process to be going smoothly, but also affects the shape accuracy and structure properties of finished strip. In order to gain good strip crown and flatness, the calculation formulas of the most suitable rolling force and bending force are deduced By taking relatively equal load of rolling power and good shape as objective functions, the optimization mathematical models of finish rolling schedule are established. By contrast, the rolling schedules after optimization can improve the rolling mill working status and ensure the strip crown and flatness to be good. At the same time, the setting value of bending force is improved and this leaves more space for on-line shape control.
足球王国的生与死  如果是十年前而不是现在举行世界杯足球赛就好了——持这种观点的巴西政客是不无道理的:因为十年前卢拉政府的经济振兴计划刚刚开始,国民经济走上正轨,甚至外债也降到了历史最低,假如那时候举行世界杯,无疑会为这个“金砖四国”里的“民主橱窗”插上金色的翅膀。如今,虽还不能就此评判罗塞夫治下的巴西飞不起来了,但这届世界杯和接下来的里约奥运会显然已经成了旷日持久的消耗战,这对正处于急需空中加油