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亲爱的读者朋友们,经过近半年广大新课程实验教师与我们的共同努力,2003年“新课程优秀教学设计与课例研究专辑”(小学部分)终于与大家见面了。本专辑共分四个部分。第一部分为课程专家、浙江大学教育科学与技术研究所盛群力教授和杭州师范学院教育科学学院马兰副教授合作撰写的《为学生的有效学习系统设计教学》。文章深入浅出地从理念和实践层面上重点介绍了“系统设计教学的基本内涵”与“如何系统设计教学”,教学工作怎样解决关键的两个问题:“引领学生到哪里去?”“如何引领学生到达想去的地方?”第二部分为课例研究,由四篇文章组成。这些课例告诉我们,如何基于真实的课堂问题情境引导学生进行契合学科本质、真正意义上的探究性学习,如何直面学生的生活经验开发课程、激发学生探究兴趣以及如何培训教师。第三部分为叙事研究,由六篇文章组成,其中两篇是本刊特邀课程专家刘良华博士对两例“叙事研究”作的“叙事点评”。研究是教师生活的一部分,而它们提供了在新课程背景下做教育教学研究一种新的思路和实践。第四部分为教学设计与案例,由九篇文章组成,大多是案例实录与评析或解读,深刻地展现出了成功的新课程教学的丰富细节及其背后蕴藏的教学理念。这些都是本刊在近几个月里从所征集的近千篇新课程 Dear reader friends, after nearly six months of the vast majority of new curriculum experiment teachers and our joint efforts, 2003 “New Curriculum excellent teaching design and case study album” (primary part) finally meet with you. The album is divided into four parts. The first part is “Teaching for Effective Learning System Design for Students” co-written by Professor Shengqun Sheng, a professor of Zhejiang University Institute of Educational Science and Technology and Associate Professor Ma Lan from Hangzhou Normal College of Education and Science. The essay introduces the basic connotation of system design teaching and how to design system teaching from the concept and practice level. The teaching work how to solve the two key problems: “lead the students to where?” “How to lead the students Reach the place you want to go? ”The second part is a case study, composed of four articles. These lessons tell us how to guide students to engage in the nature of the subject, the real inquiry learning, how to face the students’ life experience, develop the curriculum, stimulate the students to explore the interest and how to train the teachers based on the real classroom problem situations. The third part is narrative research, which consists of six articles, two of which are the “narrative comments” made by Dr. Liu Lianghua, an invited scholar of the magazine, on two cases of “narrative research”. Research is part of teachers’ life, and they provide a new way of thinking and practice in education and teaching research under the new curriculum background. The fourth part is the teaching design and case, composed of nine articles, mostly case record and comment or interpretation, profoundly demonstrated the rich details of the successful new course teaching and the teaching philosophy behind it. These are nearly a thousand new lessons solicited by this magazine in recent months
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