
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qncy1232f
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Purpose: To highlight the diagnostic relevance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mu tation analysis in acquired juvenile unilateral upper eyelid ptosis. Methods: A1 3-year-old boy presented with acquired, slowly progressive unilateral ptosis. We performed ophthalmological and neurological examinations, laboratory testing, skeletal muscle biopsy including histological and histochemical investigations, biochemical analysis of respiratory chain enzymes in skeletal muscle homogenate and molecular genetic testing of skeletal muscle DNA. Results: Though clinical, laboratory, histological and biochemical analyses did not reveal any hints sugg esting a mitochondrial cytopathy, molecular genetic testing by Southern blot ana lysis of total DNA from skeletal muscle tissue showed a 5.8 kb mtDNA deletion th us proving the diagnosis of mitochondrial chronic progressive external ophthalmo plegia(CPEO). Conclusions: In patients with unexplained acquired juvenile unilat eral ptosis, an underlying mitochondrial cytopathy should be considered even in cases of inconspicuous ancillary examinations comprising skeletal muscle histolo gy and biochemistry. To establish the diagnosis, molecular genetic testing of DN A derived from skeletal muscle tissue is essential in those patients. Purpose: To highlight the diagnostic relevance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mu tation analysis in acquired juvenile unilateral upper eyelid ptosis. Methods: A1 3-year-old boy presented with acquired, slowly progressive unilateral ptosis. We performed ophthalmological and neurological examinations, laboratory testing, skeletal muscle biopsy including histological and histochemical investigations, biochemical analysis of respiratory chain enzymes in skeletal muscle homogenate and molecular genetic testing of skeletal muscle DNA. Results: Though clinical, laboratory, histological and biochemical analyzes did not reveal any hints sugg esting a mitochondrial cytopathy, molecular genetic testing by Southern blot ana lysis of total DNA from skeletal muscle tissue showed a 5.8 kb mtDNA deletion th us proving the diagnosis of mitochondrial chronic progressive external ophthalmo plegia (CPEO). Conclusions: In patients with unexplained acquired juvenile unilat eral ptosis , an underlying mitochondr To establish the diagnosis, molecular genetic testing of DN A derived from skeletal muscle tissue is essential in those patients.
通过对不同热变形量的中铬白口铸铁组织与性能进行观察 ,测试与分析。结果表明 :中铬白口铸铁经热变形 ,其组织得以改善且冲击韧性得以提高 ,当热变形量为 35~ 4 0 %时 ,其冲
老伴儿上街买菜回来,对我说:“婆婆病了,住院治疗,我想去看望她。”我说,没关系,午休后我陪你一起去吧!  老伴儿说的婆婆不是我母亲,而是她前夫的母亲。午休起来,我骑上助力车带上老伴儿,去超市买了牛奶等营养品后便直奔医院。老人家见我们到来,精神好了许多,拉著老伴儿的手亲热地聊天儿,胜似母女。她还关心地询问我母亲的身体状况,说日后要去找我母亲聊天。老伴儿与这婆婆的关系非常融洽深厚。  老伴儿曾跟我说过
镁会成为铝的竞争对手吗 ?世界上有关学术机构及研究组织正在对此问题进行深入的探讨。据有关预测可知 ,镁的压铸件产量与年俱增 :1 999年为 9万吨 ;2 0 0 0年为 1 0 5万吨