谦谦君子 望之斯人——简论刘江先生的创作·理论与教育

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一刘江先生给人的印象,是个文雅儒生、谦谦君子。他虚心好学,努力进取,几十年如一日,在书法篆刻艺术的创作、理论与教育事业上都取得了瞩目的成就,并作为国内屈指可数的书法专业教授而受人崇敬。他从不在名利上与人争一高低,年过耳顺,历尽沧桑,惟有道德文章是他永不停息的追求。先生原名佛庵,号湖岸,四川万县人,生于一九二六年。他自幼爱好书法篆刻,由于勤奋好学,年轻轻便在万县城里小有名气。一九四五年,先生考入因战乱而迁至重庆的国立艺专(浙江美院前身)预科学习西画。刻苦钻研,成绩斐然,并加入学校的西画研究会。新中国成立后,先生投笔从戎,不久,又奔赴朝鲜。戎马倥偬,他始终未辍刀笔。他几乎年年立功,一九五六年,还作为部队的模范代表,参加北京的国庆观礼。一九五七年,他又复学回到母校,得著名书画 Mr. Liu Jiang gives the impression, is an elegant Confucian, gentleman. With his open-mindedness and enterprising spirit, he has made remarkable achievements in the creation, theory and education of calligraphy and seal cutting arts for decades. He is also revered as one of the few professors of calligraphy in China. He never competed with others on fame and fortune, over the years, gone through all kinds of vicissitudes, only moral articles is his never-ending pursuit. Mr. Buddha formerly known as Temple, No. Lake Bank, Sichuan Wanxian, was born in 1926. He loved childhood calligraphy and seal cutting, due to studious, young and light in the town of Wanxian famous. In 1945, Mr. Cheng admitted to the National Arts Academy (formerly Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts) who moved to Chongqing as a result of the war and began to study Western painting. Study hard, brilliant achievements, and join the school’s Western Painting Research Association. After the founding of new China, the gentleman voted for a second, and soon went to North Korea. He has not given up his pen. He achieved meritorious service almost every year. In 1956, he also served as a model representative of the armed forces and took part in the national day ceremony in Beijing. In 1957, he went back to his alma mater once again to get a famous painting
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