Responses of Agronomic Benefit and Soil Quality to Better Management of Nitrogen Fertilizer Applicat

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As a result of intensive greenhouse vegetable production in northern China, the potential risk of nitrogen (N) fertilizer over-applied is increasingly apparent and is threatening ecosystem and the sustainability of food production. An experiment was carried out in Shouguang, Shangdong Province, China to evaluate agronomic benefit and soil quality under different N applications, including the conventional chemical N rate (1000 kg N ha-1 season-1, N1), 70% of N1 (N2), 70% of N1 + maize straw (N3), 50% of N1 + maize straw + drip irrigation (N4), and 0% of N1 (N0), during two successive growing seasons of autumn-winter (AW) and winter-spring (WS). The maximum yields for N4 were 1.1 and 1.0 times greater than those for N1 in the AW and WS seasons, respectively. N agronomic effciency (AEN) and apparent N recovery effciency (REN) were greatest with the N4. A significant relationship was found between soil NO-3 -N content and electrical conductivity (EC) (R2 = 0.61 in the AW season and R2 = 0.29 in the WS season). Reducing N fertilizer decreased soil NO-3 -N accumulation (20.9%-37.8% reduction in the AW season and 11.7%-20.1% reduction in the WS season) relative to the accumulation observed for N1 within the 0-100 cm soil layer. Soil urease and invertase activities were not significantly different among N treatments. The N4 treatment would be practical for reducing excess N input and maintaining the sustainability of greenhouse-based intensive vegetable systems in Shouguang. As a result of intensive greenhouse vegetable production in northern China, the potential risk of nitrogen (N) fertilizer over-applied is increasingly apparent and is threatening ecosystem and the sustainability of food production. An experiment was carried out in Shouguang, Shangdong Province, China to evaluate agronomic benefit and soil quality under different N applications, including the conventional chemical N rate (1000 kg N ha -1 season-1, N1), 70% of N1 (N2), 70% of N1 + maize straw , 50% of N1 + maize straw + drip irrigation (N4), and 0% of N1 (N0), during two successive seasons of autumn-winter (AW) and winter- spring 1.1 and 1.0 times greater than those for N1 in the AW and WS seasons, respectively. N agronomic effciency (AEN) and apparent N recovery effciency (REN) were greatest with the N4. A significant relationship was found between soil NO-3 -N content and electrical conductivity (EC) (R2 = 0.61 in the AW season and R2 = 0. 29 in the WS season). Reducing N fertilizer decreased soil NO-3 -N accumulation (20.9% -37.8% reduction in the AW season and 11.7% -20.1% reduction in the WS season) relative to the accumulation observed for N1 within the 0-100 cm soil layer. Soil urease and invertase activities were not significantly different among N treatments. The N4 treatment would be practical for reducing excess input and maintaining the sustainability of greenhouse-based intensive vegetable systems in Shouguang.
摘 要:在中国,人们普遍认为乌鸦是“不祥之兆”,面对乌鸦人们避而远之;而在日本,人們认为乌鸦是“吉祥之鸟”,一些神社里也供奉着乌鸦,认为乌鸦是神明,可以指引人类走向光明。  关键词:八咫乌;日本;乌鸦  作者简介:方伊侬,辽宁大学外国语学院日语语言文学专业。  [中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2018)-29--01  一、关于八咫乌  八咫乌是武
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