
来源 :中国安全科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lidenglu1114
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为获取矿山井塔运营过程中的动态变形信息,对灾害进行预警预报,引入全球定位系统(GPS)的动态监测技术。分别基于经验模式分解(EMD)、小波变换(WT)及EMD-WT耦合方法,建立监测点的多路径误差模型。采用恒星日滤波技术,削弱相邻或邻近周日观测数据中的多路径误差,提高监测精度。对兖州矿业集团公司鲍店煤矿主井井塔连续3天的监测数据进行处理和分析。结果表明:用这3种方法均可获得较为理想的多路径误差模型,其中EMD-WT耦合方法相对最优;多路径误差被减小后的第2天与第3天对应坐标序列在X,Y和Z方向上的标准差分别减小54%,45%,53%和49%,39%,43%。 In order to obtain the dynamic deformation information during the operation of a mine shaft tower, an early warning and forecasting of the disaster is carried out and a global positioning system (GPS) dynamic monitoring technique is introduced. Based on EMD, WT and EMD-WT coupling method, the multi-path error model of monitoring point is established respectively. Adopting the stellar day filtering technology, we can weaken the multipath errors in the adjacent or neighboring observational data to improve the monitoring accuracy. The monitoring data of the main shaft tower of BaoDian Coal Mine of Yanzhou Mining Group Co., Ltd. for three consecutive days were processed and analyzed. The results show that the optimal multi-path error model can be obtained by these three methods, of which the EMD-WT coupling method is relatively optimal; the corresponding coordinate sequences on the 2nd and 3rd days after the multipath error is reduced are better than those in the X, The standard deviations in the Y and Z directions decreased by 54%, 45%, 53% and 49%, 39% and 43% respectively.
1985年7月至1990年6月我院妇产科共收住院分娩产妇6107例。初生婴儿脐带由传统的棉线结扎,改用气门芯弹力套扎5752例,效果良好,现总结报告如下。临床资料 5年间住院分娩产妇
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